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Adjust Security Protocols

The default security settings for MATLAB® Production Server™ enable all security protocols and cipher suites, except for the eNULL cipher suite. Use the ssl-protocols and ssl-ciphers properties to adjust the level of security.

By default, MATLAB Production Server instances try to use TLSv1.2 to secure connections between client and server. The server supports connections using TLSv1, TLSv1.1, and TLSv1.2. Use the ssl-protocols property to specify a list of allowed SSL protocols.

For example, to disable the TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 protocols, add this configuration excerpt:

--ssl-protocols TLSv1

Because TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 are not included in the list, the server instance does not enable the protocols.

Set the ssl-ciphers property in the server instance configuration to restrict the cipher suites used by the server instance.

For example, to enable only high-strength cipher suites, add this configuration excerpt:

--ssl-ciphers HIGH

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