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Specify MATLAB Runtime for Server Instance Using Command Line

You can use the main_config server configuration file to specify the MATLAB® Runtime location for an on-premises installation of MATLAB Production Server™. For a server environment deployed in the cloud, the deployment specifies the MATLAB Runtime locations for you.

For an on-premises server installation, set the mcr-root property in the server configuration file to specify the MATLAB Runtime locations for the server to use.

  1. Stop the server instance, if it is running.

  2. Open the configuration file for the instance in a text editor. The configuration file is located at instanceRoot/config/main_config.

  3. Locate the entry for the mcr-root property.

    --mcr-root mCRuNsETtOKEN
  4. Modify the mcr_root property to point to the installed MATLAB Runtime you want to work with.

    For example:

    --mcr-root C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Runtime\vnnn


    You must specify the MATLAB Runtime version number (vnnn). The MATLAB Runtime versions that you specify must be compatible with MATLAB Production Server.

  5. Restart the server instance.

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