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Measure AC Performance Metrics of DAC Using DAC AC Measurement

This example shows how to find the AC performance metrics such as SNR, SINAD, SFDR, ENOB, and noise floor using a DAC AC Measurement block.

Open the model dac_ac_measure. The model consists of a Signal Generator, a Flash ADC, a Binary Weighted DAC block, and a DAC AC Measurement block.

model = 'dac_ac_measure';

The Flash ADC acts as the input to the Binary Weighted DAC. The ADC uses an internal start clock whose Conversion start frequency (Hz) is 1e6 and RMS aperture jitter (s) is 1e-12. The input analog frequency to the Flash ADC from the Signal Generator is 250.98 kHz.

The Number of bits of the Binary Weighted DAC is set to 10. All other parameters are kept at their default values.

The Digital signal frequency (Hz) of the DAC AC Measurement block is 2.5098e5 and the Start conversion frequency (Hz) is 1e6.

Run the simulation for 0.0003586 s.


The measured AC performance metrics are displayed on the DAC AC Measurement block.

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