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Nonlinear System with Cross-Coupling Between Components

This example shows how to solve a nonlinear PDE system of two equations with cross-coupling between the two components. The system is a Schnakenberg system


with the steady-state solution u1S=a+b and u2S=b(a+b)2. The initial conditions are a small perturbation of the steady-state solution.

Solution for First Time Span

First, create a PDE model for a system of two equations.

model = createpde(2);

Create a cubic geometry and assign it to the model.

gm = multicuboid(1,1,1);
model.Geometry = gm;

Generate the mesh using the linear geometric order to save memory.


Define the parameters of the system.

D1 = 0.05;
D2 = 1;
kappa = 100;
a = 0.2;
b = 0.8;

Based on these parameters, specify the PDE coefficients in the toolbox format.

d = [1;1];
c = [D1;D2];
f = @(region,state) [kappa*(a - state.u(1,:) + ...
                     kappa*(b - state.u(1,:).^2.*state.u(2,:))

Set the initial conditions. The first component is a small perturbation of the steady-state solution u1S=a+b. The second component is the steady-state solution u2S=b(a+b)2.

icFcn = @(region) [a + b + 10^(-3)*exp(-100*((region.x - 1/3).^2 ...
                   + (region.y - 1/2).^2)); ...
                   (b/(a + b)^2)*ones(size(region.x))];


Solve the system for times 0 through 2 seconds.

tlist = linspace(0,2,10);
results = solvepde(model,tlist);

Plot the first component of the solution at the last time step.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 5 objects of type patch, quiver, text.

Initial Condition for Second Time Span Based on Previous Solution

Now, resume the analysis and solve the problem for times from 2 to 5 seconds. Reduce the magnitude of the previously obtained solution for time 2 seconds to 10% of the original value.

u2 = results.NodalSolution(:,:,end);
newResults = createPDEResults(model,u2(:)*0.1);

Use newResults as the initial condition for further analysis.


Solve the system for times 2 through 5 seconds.

tlist = linspace(2,5,10);
results25 = solvepde(model,tlist);

Plot the first component of the solution at the last time step.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 5 objects of type patch, quiver, text.

Alternatively, you can write a function that uses the results returned by the solver and computes the initial conditions based on the results of the previous analysis.

function newU0 = computeNewIC(resultsObject)
newU0 = 0.1*resultsObject.NodalSolution(:,:,end).';

Remove the previous initial conditions.


Set the initial conditions using the function NewIC.

NewIC = @(location) computeNewIC(results);
ans = 
  GeometricInitialConditions with properties:

           RegionType: 'cell'
             RegionID: 1
         InitialValue: @(location)computeNewIC(results)
    InitialDerivative: []

Solve the system for times 2 through 5 seconds.

results25f = solvepde(model,tlist);

Plot the first component of the solution at the last time step.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 5 objects of type patch, quiver, text.

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