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Robust Stability and Worst-Case Gain of Uncertain System

This example shows how to calculate the robust stability and examine the worst-case gain of the closed-loop system described in System with Uncertain Parameters. The following commands construct that system.

m1 = ureal('m1',1,'percent',20);
m2 = ureal('m2',1,'percent',20);
k  = ureal('k',1,'percent',20);

s = zpk('s'); 
G1 = ss(1/s^2)/m1; 
G2 = ss(1/s^2)/m2; 

F = [0;G1]*[1 -1]+[1;-1]*[0,G2];
P = lft(F,k); 

C = 100*ss((s+1)/(.001*s+1))^3;

T = feedback(P*C,1); % Closed-loop uncertain system

This uncertain state-space model T has three uncertain parameters, k, m1, and m2, each equal to 1±20% uncertain variation. Use robstab to analyze whether the closed-loop system T is robustly stable for all combinations of possible values of these three parameters.

[stabmarg,wcus] = robstab(T);
stabmarg = struct with fields:
           LowerBound: 2.8826
           UpperBound: 2.8864
    CriticalFrequency: 575.0339

The data in the structure stabmarg includes bounds on the stability margin, which indicate that the control system can tolerate almost 3 times the specified uncertainty before going unstable. It is stable for all parameter variations in the specified ±20% range. The critical frequency is the frequency at which the system is closest to instability.

The structure wcus contains the smallest destabilization perturbation values for each uncertain element.

wcus = struct with fields:
     k: 1.5773
    m1: 0.4227
    m2: 0.4227

You can evaluate the uncertain model at these perturbation values using usubs. Examine the pole locations of that worst-case model.

Tunst = usubs(T,wcus);   
         Pole              Damping       Frequency      Time Constant  
                                       (rad/seconds)      (seconds)    
 -8.82e-01 + 1.55e-01i     9.85e-01       8.95e-01         1.13e+00    
 -8.82e-01 - 1.55e-01i     9.85e-01       8.95e-01         1.13e+00    
 -1.25e+00                 1.00e+00       1.25e+00         7.99e-01    
  8.10e-08 + 5.75e+02i    -1.41e-10       5.75e+02        -1.23e+07    
  8.10e-08 - 5.75e+02i    -1.41e-10       5.75e+02        -1.23e+07    
 -1.50e+03 + 6.44e+02i     9.19e-01       1.63e+03         6.67e-04    
 -1.50e+03 - 6.44e+02i     9.19e-01       1.63e+03         6.67e-04    

The system contains a pair of poles very close to the imaginary axis, with a damping ratio of less than 1e-7. This result confirms that the worst-case perturbation is just enough to destabilize the system.

Use wcgain to calculate the worst-case peak gain, the highest peak gain occurring within the specified uncertainty ranges.

[wcg,wcug] = wcgain(T);
wcg = struct with fields:
           LowerBound: 1.0474
           UpperBound: 1.0731
    CriticalFrequency: 7.3245

wcug contains the values of the uncertain elements that cause the worst-case gain. Compute a closed-loop model with these values, and plot its frequency response along with some random samples of the uncertain system.

Twc = usubs(T,wcug); 
Trand = usample(T,5); 
legend('Twc - worst-case','Trand - random samples','Location','SouthWest');

MATLAB figure

Alternatively use wcsigmaplot to visualize the highest possible gain at each frequency, the system with the highest peak gain, and random samples of the uncertain system.


MATLAB figure

See Also

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