Track and Follow an Object
In this example, you explore autonomous behavior that incorporates the Kinect® camera. This algorithm involves the TurtleBot® looking for a blue ball and then staying at a fixed distance from the ball. You incorporate safety features, such as bump and cliff sensing.
Running this example requires the Image Processing Toolbox™.
Prerequisites: Communicate with the TurtleBot, Explore Basic Behavior of the TurtleBot, Control the TurtleBot with Teleoperation, Obstacle Avoidance with TurtleBot and VFH
Hardware Support Package for TurtleBot
This example gives an overview of working with a TurtleBot using its native ROS interface. The ROS Toolbox™ Support Package for TurtleBot based Robots provides a more streamlined interface to TurtleBot. It allows you to:
Acquire sensor data and send control commands without explicitly calling ROS commands
Communicate transparently with a simulated robot in Gazebo or with a physical TurtleBot
To install the support package, open Add-Ons > Get Hardware Support Packages on the MATLAB® Home tab and select ROS Toolbox™ Support Package for TurtleBot based Robots. Alternatively, use the roboticsAddons
(Robotics System Toolbox) command.
Connect to the TurtleBot
Make sure you have a TurtleBot running either in simulation through Gazebo® or on real hardware. Refer to Get Started with Gazebo and Simulated TurtleBot or Get Started with a Real TurtleBot for the startup procedure. If you are using hardware, find a blue ball to use for tracking. If you are using Gazebo®, the blue ball must be in the world in front of the robot (make sure that you are using Gazebo Office world).
Initialize ROS. Connect to the TurtleBot by replacing ipaddress
with the IP address of the TurtleBot
ipaddress = "";
Initializing global node /matlab_global_node_76155 with NodeURI
Make sure that you have started the Kinect camera if you are working with real TurtleBot hardware. The command to start the camera is:
roslaunch turtlebot_bringup 3dsensor.launch.
You must enter this in a terminal on the TurtleBot.
Create subscribers for the color camera, the cliff sensor, and the bumper sensor. Create publishers for emitting sound and for controlling the robot velocity messages. Communicate using messages in structure format for better performance.
handles.colorImgSub = exampleHelperTurtleBotEnableColorCamera;
Successfully Enabled Camera (raw image)
useHardware = exampleHelperTurtleBotIsPhysicalRobot; if useHardware handles.cliffSub = rossubscriber("/mobile_base/events/cliff",... "BufferSize",5,"DataFormat","struct"); handles.bumpSub = rossubscriber("/mobile_base/sensors/bumper_pointcloud",... "BufferSize",5,"DataFormat","struct"); handles.soundPub = rospublisher("/mobile_base/commands/sound", "kobuki_msgs/Sound",... "DataFormat","struct"); handles.velPub = rospublisher("/mobile_base/commands/velocity",... "DataFormat","struct"); else % Cliff sensor, bumper sensor and sound emitter are only present in % real TurtleBot hardware handles.cliffSub = []; handles.bumpSub = []; handles.soundPub = []; handles.velPub = rospublisher("/cmd_vel","DataFormat","struct"); end
Tune the Blue Ball Detection
Set the parameters for image filtering. Add them to a data structure that will be used in the algorithm.
blueBallParams.blueMax = 120; % Maximum permissible deviation from pure blue blueBallParams.darkMin = 30; % Minimum acceptable darkness value
Try to visualize the ball to make sure that the ball-finding parameters can locate it. Run the exampleHelperTurtleBotFindBlueBall
function to see if a circle is found. If so, c
and m
are assigned values. ball
is a binary image created by applying blueness and darkness filters on the image. View ball
to see if the blue ball was properly isolated:
latestImg = rosReadImage(handles.colorImgSub.LatestMessage); [c,~,ball] = exampleHelperTurtleBotFindBlueBall(latestImg,blueBallParams,useHardware);
Use this example helper to display the real and binary image in a figure and plot a red plus at the center of the ball.
If the ball is not found, try increasing or decreasing
and blueBallParams.darkMin
. View the plot again until the ball is found. This method is a good way to fine tune the ball-finding algorithm before using the controller.
In Gazebo, the parameters used might not find the ball, because the threshold values are too generous. The Gazebo image (left figures) includes parts of the wall and other objects in the white space. The real image (right figures) looks very saturated with white. Try changing the parameters so that they are more restrictive:
blueBallParams.blueMax = 200; % Maximum permissible deviation from pure blue blueBallParams.darkMin = 220; % Minimum acceptable darkness value latestImg = rosReadImage(handles.colorImgSub.LatestMessage); [c,~,ball] = exampleHelperTurtleBotFindBlueBall(latestImg,blueBallParams,useHardware);
Use this example helper to display the figures.
Now the parameters are too restrictive. Part of the ball does not even show up in the Gazebo image, and you see nothing in the real image. If you tune the parameters further you can find a middle ground. In Gazebo, the following parameters should work well. With hardware, ambient lighting might require you to spend more time fine tuning the parameters.
blueBallParams.blueMax = 30; % Maximum permissible deviation from pure blue blueBallParams.darkMin = 90; % Minimum acceptable darkness value latestImg = rosReadImage(handles.colorImgSub.LatestMessage); [c,~,ball] = exampleHelperTurtleBotFindBlueBall(latestImg,blueBallParams, useHardware);
Use this example helper to display the figures.
Tuning the color thresholds is challenging when compared to tuning them in a simulated environment like Gazebo.
After you have fine-tuned the parameters, add them to the handles
object, which will be used by the ball tracking algorithm.
handles.params = blueBallParams;
Test Fixed-Distance Controller
Set controller gains for the TurtleBot. The TurtleBot uses a PID controller to stay at a constant distance from the ball.
The first set of controller gains is good for a TurtleBot in Gazebo. The second set is good for a TurtleBot in real hardware. Adjust the gains as you see fit.
Here is a compact way to assign the struct values.
Effective gains for Gazebo simulation:
gains.lin = struct("pgain",1/100,"dgain",1/100,"igain",0,"maxwindup",0,"setpoint",0.65); gains.ang = struct("pgain",1/400,"dgain",1/500,"igain",0,"maxwindup",0,"setpoint",0.5);
Effective gains for TurtleBot hardware:
gains.lin = struct("pgain",1/100,"dgain",1/1000,"igain",0,"maxwindup",0,"setpoint",0.75); gains.ang = struct("pgain",1/100,"dgain",1/3000,"igain",0,"maxwindup",0,"setpoint",0.5);
Make sure to add the gains
struct to the handles
handles.gains = gains;
Define a timer to execute the ball tracking behavior through the callback. Define the stop function to shut down ROS. Include the handles in the callback function for the timer:
timer2 = timer("TimerFcn",{@exampleHelperTurtleBotTrackingTimer,handles,useHardware},"Period",0.1,"ExecutionMode","fixedSpacing"); timer2.StopFcn = {@exampleHelperTurtleBotStopCallback};
Start the timer using the following command. You see the TurtleBot begin to move around the world, searching for the ball. When it finds it in the Kinect image, the robot will use the controller to stay at a fixed distance.
start(timer2); pause(1);
The bump sensor does not activate in simulation, so the TurtleBot might not recover when it hits a wall.
If you want to move the blue ball around, use the following commands to apply a force:
g = ExampleHelperGazeboCommunicator(); ballhandle = ExampleHelperGazeboSpawnedModel("unit_sphere_1",g) duration = 2; forceVector = [0 4 0]; applyForce(ballhandle,"link",duration,forceVector)
If you want to further explore Gazebo control of the simulation refer to Add, Build, and Remove Objects in Gazebo.
Stop Robot Motion
To stop the timer and autonomous behavior, use the following command:
If the timer is cleared from the workspace before it is stopped, you must delete it another way. To stop all timers (even timers in the background) execute the following command:
Clear the workspace of publishers, subscribers, and other ROS related objects when you are finished with them
More Information
NOTE: Code in this section is not for MATLAB command line execution
In this example, the organization of supporting files allows you great flexibility in customizing and re-purposing the code. You can alter the ball-finding parameters and the controller gains by changing values in the handles
struct. This example incorporates a timer
that manages all aspects of the control algorithm. This timer is the exampleHelperTurtleBotTrackingTimer
. This timer has Name-Value pairs of Period
and ExecutionMode
that are set to determine how often the timer callback is called. Additionally, the stop callback is used. You can incorporate additional callback functions if you want.
The handles passed into the timer include params
for ball-finding and gains
for the controller.
The structure of exampleHelperTurtleBotTrackingTimer
is simple. It is a basic state machine with some initialization steps. The initialization function determines which tracking algorithm and which controller to use when not in a cliff or bumper recovery state. The function is:
function [objectTrack, imgControl] = initControl() % INITCONTROL - Initialization function to determine which control % and object detection algorithms to use objectTrack = @exampleHelperTurtleBotFindBlueBall; imgControl = @exampleHelperTurtleBotPointController;
In this example the tracking function is exampleHelperTurtleBotFindBlueBall
and the controller is exampleHelperTurtleBotPointController
You can replace this function and controller with any user-defined functions that have the same input and output argument structure. The input arguments for exampleHelperTurtleBotFindBlueBall
are a color image and a struct of ball-finding parameters. The output arguments are a center, magnitude, and binary image of the sought object. The input arguments for exampleHelperTurtleBotPointController
are object center, magnitude (though magnitude is not used in the example), image size, and controller gains (a struct). The output arguments are linear and angular velocities.
The basic state machine used in exampleHelperTurtleBotTrackingTimer
switch state case ExampleHelperTurtleBotStates.Seek % Object-finding state [center, scale] = findObject(handles.Tbot.ImColor,handles.params); % Wander if no circle is found, target the circle if it exists if isempty(center) [linearV, angularV] = exampleHelperTurtleBotWanderController(); else [linearV, angularV] = imageControl(center, scale, size(handles.Tbot.ImColor),handles.gains); setSound(handles.Tbot,2); end state = ExampleHelperTurtleBotStates.Seek; case ExampleHelperTurtleBotStates.Bumper % Bumper contact state case ExampleHelperTurtleBotStates.Spin % Spin state case ExampleHelperTurtleBotStates.Cliff % Cliff avoidance end
You can add or remove cases from the state machine. If you want to change the state names, use the ExampleHelperTurtleBotStates
The ball-finding algorithm is modular and alterable. It uses two image filters (one on darkness and one on blueness) masked together to isolate the blue ball. You can change the masks to find a red or green ball instead. If you want to explore other forms of shape-tracking, the basic workflow remains the same.
The blue channel is isolated (with some scaling factors) and a threshold is applied to produce a binary image mask.
blueImg = img(:,:,1)/2 + img(:,:,2)/2 - img(:,:,3)/2; blueThresh = blueImg < params.blueMax;
These commands isolate the inverse of the blue (with different scaling) and emphasize darkness. A threshold is applied.
darkIso = -img(:,:,1)/2 - img(:,:,2)/2 + 3*img(:,:,3) - 2*rgb2gray(img); darkThresh = darkIso > params.darkMin;
Mask the two binary images together to isolate the dark blue ball.
ball1 = blueThresh & darkThresh;
The constants and scaling factors on the image are user-determined to isolate a specific color. You can experiment with various combinations.
You can also find contiguous regions in the filtered image using regionprops
, which is part of the Image Processing Toolbox.
s = regionprops(ball1, {"Centroid","Area","EquivDiameter"});
There are additional steps to find the ball from this region, which you can find in exampleHelperTurtleBotFindBlueBall
The exampleHelperTurtleBotPointController
function uses the ExampleHelperPIDControl
class to keep a specified point (in this case the location of the center of the ball) at an exact location within the image.
The modularity and flexibility of the example code allows you to experiment with your own algorithms and functions.