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Parallel Hybrid Transmission

This example shows the basic architecture of a parallel hybrid transmission. Electrical power is applied in parallel with the combustion engine power. The electrical torque is applied at the wheel axle, but it could also be applied to the engine flywheel. In this test, the vehicle accelerates, maintains the faster speed, and then decelerates back to the original speed. The power management strategy uses just electrical power to effect the maneuver, the combustion engine only delivering the power required to maintain the original speed.

Losses for the motor, battery and gearbox are modeled. You can use this system-level model to gain understanding of system performance, and to support design of the power management strategy. The example can be directly compared with the power-split hybrid example PowerSplitHybridTransmissionExample and the series hybrid example SeriesHybridTransmissionExample.


Simulation Results from Simscape Logging

The plot below shows the flow of power from the engine, motor, and battery as the vehicle accelerates and decelerates. The engine supplies just enough power to maintain the original speed. The acceleration and deceleration is done using electrical power. The motor draws enough power from the battery to accelerate the vehicle and then uses regenerative braking to feed that power back to the battery.

The plot below shows the electrical losses from the motor and battery as the vehicle accelerates and decelerates.

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