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Contour of eye opening from eye diagram

Since R2024a


Use the eye contour object to store the data related to the set of contours at the specified symbol error rate (SER). The eye contours are generated from an eye diagram.



c = eyeContour(eyeObj,SER=1e-3,Extrapolation='None') creates an eye contour object from the eye diagram object eyeObj at the symbol error rate 1e-3.


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Numeric contour data consisting of upper and lower contours for each eye opening, specified as a matrix. Contours are row vectors with one element for each of the TimeBins property from the original eyeDiagramSI object. The object indexes the contours from the lowest eye center amplitude to the highest.

For example, Contour(1, :, 3) represents the lower contour of the third eye. Contour(2, :, 1) represents the upper contour of the first eye .

By default, the property is automatically set from the value defined in the eyeObj eye diagram object.

Data Types: double

Numeric contour data consisting of two outer (below, above) contours for the whole eye diagram.

OuterContour(1, :) represents the lower limit of the eye. Contour(2, :) represents the upper limit of the eye.

By default, the property is automatically set from the value defined in the eyeObj eye diagram object.

Data Types: double

Symbol error rate for generating contours, specified as a scalar.

Data Types: double

Extrapolation method for generating contours.

Data Types: char

Elapsed time between the adjacent samples in the input data, specified as a scalar in seconds.

By default, the property is automatically set from the value defined in the eyeObj eye diagram object.

Data Types: double

Time span of one symbol, specified as a scalar in seconds.

By default, the property is automatically set from the value defined in the eyeObj eye diagram object.

Data Types: double

Nominal center amplitude for each eye opening in the eye diagram, specified as a vector.

By default, the property is automatically set from the value defined in the eyeObj eye diagram object.

Data Types: double

Object Functions

eyeHeight (Mixed-Signal Blockset)

eyeWidth (Mixed-Signal Blockset)

eyeArea (Mixed-Signal Blockset)

upperContour (Mixed-Signal Blockset)

lowerContour (Mixed-Signal Blockset)

closedContour (Mixed-Signal Blockset)

More About

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Version History

Introduced in R2024a

See Also

(Mixed-Signal Blockset) | (Mixed-Signal Blockset) | (Mixed-Signal Blockset)