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Measure lower contour of eye diagram

Since R2024a


[time,amp] = lowerContour(obj) returns the lower contour of the eye diagram object obj.

[time,amp] = lowerContour(obj,index) returns the lower contour of the eye diagram object obj at the index specified by index.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Eye contour object, specified as an eyeContour object.

Index at which the function calculates the lower contour. The function indexes the lowest eye opening as 1.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

collapse all

Time coordinates for the lower contours of each eye in the eye diagram, returned as rows of a matrix. The first row corresponds to the eye opening with the lowest center amplitude.

Amplitude coordinates for the lower contours of each eye in the eye diagram, returned as rows of a matrix. The first row corresponds to the eye opening with the lowest center amplitude.

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

See Also

(Mixed-Signal Blockset) | (Mixed-Signal Blockset) | (Mixed-Signal Blockset)

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