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Extract slice from eye diagram

Since R2024a


slice(obj,orientation) plots the 1-D slice from the eye diagram object obj in the horizontal or vertical orientation as specified by orientation.

slice(obj,orientation,position) plots the 1-D slice at the amplitude level or time specified by position.

slice(___,Name=Value) uses Name-Value pair arguments to plot the eye slice or slices. Unspecified arguments takes the default values.

[s] = slice(___) returns the slice data from the eye histogram but does not generate the plot.

[s,h] = slice(___) returns the slice data from the eye histogram in addition to generating the plot..

Input Arguments

collapse all

Eye diagram object, specified as an eyeDiagramSI System object™. The eye diagram object is created as an accumulation of 2-D histograms from the eye diagram data.

Direction to slice the 2-D eye histogram, specified as one of these:

  • Horizontal — 1-D horizontal slices taken at the specified amplitude.

  • Vertical — 1-D vertical slices taken at the specified time.

  • Time — 1-D eye slices taken at the specified amplitude. It produces the eye slices as when orientation is set to Horizontal.

  • Amplitude — 1-D eye slices taken at the specified time. It produces the same eye slices as when orientation is set to Vertical.

Location at which to slice the 2-D histogram, specified as a real valued vector.

For a time/horizontal bathtub, this argument refers to the amplitude level to take the eye slices. For an amplitude/vertical bathtub, this argument refers to the time at which to take the eye slices.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: slice(obj,Horizontal) extracts a horizontal slice from the eye diagram object obj.

Unit for the time axis of the plot and position, specified as seconds, samples, or UI. The orientation must be set to Vertical or Time if you want to specify TimeUnit.

Data Types: char

Unit for the amplitude axis of the plot and position, specified as Amplitude. The orientation must be set to Horizontal or Amplitude if you want to specify AmplitudeUnit.

Data Types: char

Source of eye slices, specified as the combined eye histogram or the symbol PDFs.

Data Types: char

Output Arguments

collapse all

Slice data extracted from 2-D eye histograms, returned as a vector.

Graphics handle for the slice plot, returned as a function handle.

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

See Also

(Mixed-Signal Blockset) | (Mixed-Signal Blockset) | (Mixed-Signal Blockset)

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