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Available Operations in Signal Integrity Viewer

You can use the Signal Integrity Viewer toolstrip operations to view and analyze waveforms. The available operations can be divided into these groups:

  • Refresh

  • Zoom

  • Marker

  • Threshold

  • Display mode

  • Miscellaneous



Reread data and refresh display button

Reread data and refresh displayReread data from files and redraw currently displayed waveforms.

Refresh display button

Refresh displayRedraw currently displayed waveforms.



Zoom fit button

Zoom fitFit waveforms to display area.

Zoom fit vertical button

Zoom fit verticalFit waveforms in the vertical dimension only.

Zoom fit horizontal button

Zoom fit horizontalFit waveforms in the horizontal dimension only.

Zoom points button

Zoom pointsClick and drag to draw a zoom area.

Zoom min/max button

Zoom min/max

Specify the coordinates of the zoom area.

The minimum X and minimum Y points specify the lower left of the zoom area. The maximum X and maximum Y points specify the upper right of the zoom area.

Zoom in button

Zoom inIncrease the magnification of the display area.

Zoom out button

Zoom outDecrease the magnification of the display area.

Zoom horizontal button

Zoom horizontalClick and drag to draw a horizontal zoom area.

Zoom vertical button

Zoom verticalClick and drag to draw a vertical zoom area.

Zoom previous button

Zoom previousSet display to previous zoom state.



Marker button


Add a marker to the display to perform measurements.

Markers can be single-point or two point. The placement of the markers can be constrained to the selected waveform and/or thresholds.

Horizontal marker button

Horizontal measureAdd a marker to the display to perform horizontal measurements.

Vertical marker button

Vertical measureAdd a marker to the display to perform vertical measurements.

Text box button

Text boxAdd a text box as marker label.



Horizontal threshold button

Horizontal thresholdAdd a horizontal threshold to the display.

Vertical threshold button

Vertical thresholdAdd a vertical threshold to the display.

Rotated threshold button

Rotated thresholdAdd a rotated threshold to the display.

Display Mode


Overlay mode button

Overlay modeOverlay waveforms on the same y-axis. This is the default display mode.

Eye mode button

Eye modeDisplay the current waveform as an eye diagram.

Fourier transform mode button

Fourier transform modeDisplay the Fourier transform of the displayed waveforms.

Split view mode button

Split view modeDisplay each waveform on a separate y-axis.

Polar view mode button

Polar view modeDisplay compatible nodes on a polar chart.



Delete button

DeleteDelete the selected waveform(s).

Display preferences button

Display preferencesLaunch the Display Preferences dialog box.

See Also

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