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SAS 3.0 Compliance Kit

Characterize and validate the performance of an SAS 3.0 channel design.

This kit is designed for analysis of a channel design with two mated connectors as provided on the current SAS 3.0 specification provided on the T10 website. The kit also includes sheets containing the backplane/cable and connectors with two plug-in cards attached. In addition, SAS3 reference IBIS-AMI TX and RX models are provided with representative package models. Widebus sheets in this kit are included for crosstalk simulations for full channel and receiver stress tests.

This kit enables you to insert a channel design and characterize and validate its performance using the specification masks to determine if the channel has a high confidence of success. If the channel does not meet the compliance masks or BER estimates, further investigation or redesign, along with simulation, will need to be performed to determine possible changes to meet compliance.

Open SAS 3.0 Kit

Open the SAS 3.0 kit in the Serial Link Designer app using the openSignalIntegrityKit function.



Kit Overview

  • Project Name: SAS_3

  • Interface Name: SAS_3p0

  • Target Operating Frequency: 12 Gb/s (UI = 83.333 ps)

The SAS 3.0 kit defines three schematic sets. Schematic sheets are included for testing a SAS3 channel with mated connectors, and a cable/backplane with two plug-in cards. The masks provided in this kit are provided in the 12 GB/s SAS3 specification.

  • Channel_Compliance – Schematic sheets focused on channel end-to-end compliance

  • Stressed_Receiver – Stressed receiver tests based on specification requirements and ISI generation

  • Transmitter_Compliance – Compliance tests for transmitter and transmitter device characteristics

For more information about the SAS 3.0 channel compliance schematics, transfer net properties, and compliance rules, refer to the document SAS3.pdf that is attached to this example as a supporting file.


[1] Serial Attached SCSI -3 (SAS-3). Working_draft_15_nov_2012.pdf (Revision 04).

[2] 21250-WTP-001-A_mindspeed_sas_info.pdf. SAS Info from Mindspeed.

[3] SAS Protocol Layer - 2 (SPL-2). T10/2228-D (Revision 05, 10 Nov. 2012).

See Also

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