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Single Pole Triple Throw Switch

Use the SPnT block to create a single pole triple throw switch to switch a signal between three outputs.

Open the model.

The model consists of:

  • Sine Wave block to generate a sine wave of amplitude 1.

  • Power Meter block to determine the power of the sine wave. This is the input power. The input power is 30 dB.

  • Inport and Configuration blocks connected to the "In" port of the SPnT block.

  • A Constant block connected to the "Ctl" port of the SPnT block. This signal is used to control the switch outputs.

  • SPnT switch block with 3 output ports.

  • Outport 1, Outport 2, Outport 3, and Power meter blocks to calculate the power of each output signal.

  • Display block to display the three outputs.

Run the model.

The Display block shows that the signal power is available through the first port of the switch as the "Ctl" port is set to 1.

Open the SPnT block to see set values. Currently the switch is set to Absorptive using the Load Type parameter.

Change the Load Type value to Reflective.

Change the value of the Constant block to 3.

Run the model again.

The Display block shows that the signal power is available through the third port of the switch as the "Ctl" port is set to 3.

See Also

Inport | <docid:simrf_ref#bvft_bs-1> | <docid:simrf_ref#mw_26db4008-f723-4f92-9374-8656175b90b9>

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