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Default for underspecified data type

Data type to use when Simulink cannot infer the data type

Model Configuration Pane: Math and Data Types


The Default for underspecified data type specifies the default data type to use for inherited data types if the Simulink® software could not infer the data type of a signal during data type propagation.


double (default) | single

Sets the data type for underspecified data types during data type propagation to double. Simulink uses double as the data type for inherited data types.


Sets the data type for underspecified data types during data type propagation to single. Simulink uses single as the data type for inherited data types.


  • This setting affects both simulation and code generation.

  • For embedded designs that target single-precision processors, set this parameter to single to avoid the introduction of double data types.

  • Use the Model Advisor Identify questionable operations for strict single-precision design check to identify the double-precision usage in your model.

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo impact
TraceabilityNo impact
Efficiencysingle (when target hardware supports efficient single computations)
double (otherwise)
Safety precautionNo impact

Programmatic Use

Parameter: DefaultUnderspecifiedDataType
Value: 'double' | 'single'
Default: 'double'

Version History

Introduced in R2013b

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