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Multitask conditionally executed subsystem


Select the diagnostic action to take if Simulink® software detects a subsystem that may cause data corruption or non-deterministic behavior.

Category: Diagnostics


Default: error


Simulink software takes no action.


Simulink software displays a warning.


Simulink software terminates the simulation and displays an error message.


  • These types of subsystems can be caused by either of the following conditions:

    • Your model uses multitasking solver mode and it contains an enabled subsystem that operates at multiple rates.

    • Your model contains a conditionally executed subsystem that can reset its states and that contains an asynchronous subsystem.

    These types of subsystems can cause corrupted data or nondeterministic behavior in a real-time system that uses code generated from the model.

  • For models that use multitasking solver mode and contain an enabled subsystem that operates at multiple rates, consider using single-tasking solver mode or using a single-rate enabled subsystem instead.

  • For models that contain a conditionally executed subsystem that can reset its states and that contains an asynchronous subsystem, consider moving the asynchronous subsystem outside the conditionally executed subsystem.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: MultiTaskCondExecSysMsg
Value: 'none' | 'warning' | 'error'
Default: 'error'

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo impact
TraceabilityNo impact
EfficiencyNo impact
Safety precautionerror

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