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Mask Parameters

About Mask Parameters

This section lists parameters that describe masked blocks. You can use these descriptive parameters with get_param and set_param to obtain and specify the properties of a block mask.

The descriptive mask parameters listed in this section apply to all masks, and provide access to all mask properties. Be careful not to confuse these descriptive mask parameters with the mask-specific parameters defined for an individual mask in the Mask Editor Parameters pane.

See Masking Fundamentals and Mask Editor Overview for information about block masks and the Mask Editor.

Mask Parameters





Turns mask on or off.

{'on'} | 'off'


Mask parameter callbacks that are executed when the respective parameter is changed on the dialog. Set by the Dialog callback field on the Parameters pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

For more information, see Mask Callback Code.

pipe-delimited character vector {''}


Cell array version of MaskCallbackString.

cell array {'[]'}


Block description. Set by the Mask description field on the Documentation pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

character vector {''}


Drawing commands for the block icon. Set by the Icon Drawing commands field on the Icon & Ports pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

character vector {''}


For internal use only.



Option that determines whether a parameter is greyed out in the dialog. Set by the Enable parameter check box on the Parameters pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

pipe-delimited character vector {''}


Cell array version of MaskEnableString.

cell array of character vectors, each either 'on' or ''off' {'[]'}


Block help. Set by the Mask help field on the Documentation pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

character vector {''}


Set the visibility of the icon frame (Visible is on, Invisible is off). Set by the Block Frame option on the Icon & Ports pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

{'on'} | 'off'


Set the transparency of the icon. Set by the Icon Transparency option on the Icon & Ports pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

{'opaque'} | 'transparent' | 'opaque-with-ports'


Set the rotation of the icon (Rotates is on, Fixed is off). Set by the Icon Rotation option on the Icon & Ports pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

'on' | {'off'}


Set the units for the drawing commands. Set by the Icon Units option on the Icon & Ports pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

'pixel' | {'autoscale'} | 'normalized'


Initialization commands. Set by the Initialization commands field on the Initialization pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

MATLAB® command {''}


Cell array of mask dialog parameter names. Set inside the Variable column in the Parameters pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

matrix {'[]'}


Specify the port rotation policy for the masked block. Set in the Port Rotation area on the Icon & Ports pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

For more information, see Configure Model Layout.

{'default} | 'physical'


List of dialog parameter prompts (see below). Set inside the Dialog parameters area on the Parameters pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

cell array of character vectors {'[]'}


List of dialog parameter prompts (see below). Set inside the Dialog parameters area on the Parameters pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

character vector {''}


Pipe-delimited version of MaskNames.

character vector {''}


Specifies whether Simulink® must run mask initialization before executing the mask icon commands.

{'auto'}|'on' |'off'


Indicates that the block can modify itself. Set by the Allow library block to modify its contents check box on the Initialization pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

'on' | {'off'}


Determines whether the dialog parameter is a check box, edit field, or pop-up list. Set by the Type column in the Parameters pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

cell array {'[]'}

edit, checkbox, popup, radiobutton, slider, dial, spinbox, customtable, unint, max


Comma-separated version of MaskStyles.

character vector {''}


For internal use only.



For internal use only.



Determines which mask dialog parameters to display in the tooltip for this masked block. Specify as a cell array of 'on' or 'off' values, each of which indicates whether to display the parameter named at the corresponding position in the cell array returned by MaskNames.

cell array of 'on' and 'off' {''}


Comma-delimited version of MaskToolTipsDisplay.

character vector {''}


Allows the changing of mask dialog values during simulation. Set by the Tunable column in the Parameters pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

cell array of character vectors {'[]'}


Comma-delimited character vector version of MaskTunableValues.

delimited character vector {''}


Mask type. Set by the Mask type field on the Documentation pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

character vector {'Stateflow'}


Dialog parameter values.

cell array {'[]'}


Delimited character vector version of MaskValues. This value cannot exceed 64 kilobytes of memory. If you need to pass a large amount of values, consider using a structure to reduce the number of parameters.

delimited character vector {''}


Specify aliases for a block's mask parameters. The aliases must appear in the same order as the parameters appear in the block's MaskValues parameter.

cell array {'[]'}


For internal use only.



List of the dialog parameters' variables (see below). Set inside the Dialog parameters area on the Parameters pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

character vector {''}


Specifies visibility of parameters. Set with the Show parameter check box in the Options for selected parameter area on the Parameters pane of the Mask Editor dialog box.

matrix {'[]'}


Delimited character vector version of MaskVisibilities.

character vector {''}


List of the variables defined in the mask workspace (read only).

matrix {'[]'}

See Control Masks Programmatically, for more information on setting the mask parameters from the MATLAB command line.

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