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Save and View Model Advisor Check Reports

When the Model Advisor runs checks, it generates an HTML report of check results. By default, the HTML report is in the slprj/modeladvisor/model_name folder.

If you have Simulink® Check™, you can generate reports in Adobe® PDF and Microsoft® Word Word formats.

Save Model Advisor Check Reports

The Model Advisor uses the slprj folder in the Simulink cache folder to store reports and other information. If the slprj folder does not exist in the Simulink cache folder, the Model Advisor creates it.

You can save a Model Advisor report to a new location.

  1. In the Model Advisor window, navigate to the folder with the checks that you ran.

  2. Select the folder. The right pane of the Model Advisor window displays information about that folder.

  3. From the toolstrip, click Report.

    Save Report dialog box appears.

  4. In the Save Report dialog box, enter the path to the folder where you want to generate the report. Provide a file name.

  5. Click Save. The Model Advisor saves the report in HTML format to the location that you specified.


To change the Report format PDF or WORD, from the toolstrip, use the Report drop-down options. Simulink Online™ does support report generation in PDF or WORD format for Model Advisor.

If you rerun the Model Advisor, the report is updated in the working folder, not in the location where you archived the original report.

The full path to the report is in the title bar of the report window.

The Model Advisor report includes all checks including those that were not run. If you have a Simulink Check license, you can create a configuration of checks, so that the report includes just those check results. For more information, see Use Model Advisor Configuration Editor to Customize Model Advisor (Simulink Check).

View Model Advisor Check Reports

Access a report by selecting a folder and clicking the link in the Report box.


Use the options in the Model Advisor window to interactively fix warnings and failures. Model Advisor reports are best for viewing a summary of checks.

As you run checks, the Model Advisor updates the reports with the latest information for each check in the folder. When you run the checks at different times, an informational message appears in the report. Timestamps indicate when checks have been run. The time of the current run appears at the top right of the report. Checks that occurred during previous runs have a timestamp following the check name.


Display results for checks that pass, warn, or fail.

Use the Filter checks check boxes. For example, to display results for only checks that warn, in the left pane of the report, select the Warning check box. Clear the Passed, Failed, and Not Run check boxes.

Display results for checks with keywords or phrases in the check title.

Use the Keywords field. Results for checks without the keyword in the check title are not displayed in the report. For example, to display results for checks with only “setting” in the check title, in the Keywords field, enter “setting”.

Quickly navigate to sections of the report.

Select the links in the table-of-contents navigation pane.

Expand and collapse content in the check results.

Click Show/Hide check details.

Scroll to the top of the report.

Click Scroll to top.

Minimize folder results in the report.

Click the minus sign next to the folder name.

Printed versions of the report do not contain:

  • Filtering checks, Navigation, or View panes.

  • Content hidden due to filtering or keyword searching.

Some checks have input parameters specified in the right pane of the Model Advisor. For example, Check Merge block usage has an input parameter for Maximum analysis time (seconds). When you run checks with input parameters, the Model Advisor displays the values of the input parameters in the HTML report. For more information, see the EmitInputParametersToReport property of the Simulink.ModelAdvisor class.

See Also

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