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Check logical expressions in If blocks

Check ID: mathworks.maab.na_0003

Guideline: na_0003: Usage of If blocks


Check If blocks for inappropriate construct of primary expressions in a logical expression.

Identifies instances in an If block where primary expressions are complex.

Primary expressions are defined as:

  • An input

  • A constant

  • A constant parameter

  • A parenthesized expression containing no operators other than zero or <, >, >=, <=, ==, ~=, |, &, and ~

Examples of primary expressions include:

  • u1

  • 5

  • K

  • (u1 > 0)

  • (u1 <= G)

  • (u1 > U2)

  • (~u1)

Examples of acceptable logical expressions exceptions include:

  • u1 | u2

  • ((u1 > 0) & (u1 < 20)

  • (u1 > 0) & (u2 < u3)

  • (u1 > 0) & (~u2)

This table provides examples of unacceptable logical expressions.

Primary ExpressionReasoning

u1 & u2 | u3

Too many primary expressions.

u1 & (u2 | u3)

Unacceptable operator within primary expression.

(u1 > 0) & (u1 < 20) & (u2 > 5)

Too many primary expressions that are not inputs.

(u1 > 0) & ((2* u2) > 6)

Unacceptable operator within primary expression.


A logical expression can contain more than two primary expressions when both these conditions are met:

  • The primary expressions are all inputs.

  • Only one type of logical operator is present.

Examples of acceptable exceptions include:

  • u1 | u2 | u3 | u4 | u5

  • u1 & u2 & u3 & u4

Simple "If" Expressions

In the literal interpretation of guideline na_0003, expression u1 < u2 is a violation. However, the expression follows the commonly used "If" expression template (<Primary Expression><Operator><Primary Expression>). So, when logical operators are not used and only one relational operator is present, the expression satisfies guideline na_0003 and u1 < u2 is NOT a violation.

This check requires a Simulink® Check™ license.

Check Parameterization

This check does not include sub-checks because the MAB modeling guideline only provides one sub ID.

For reference, the MAB guideline sub ID(s) that are recommended for use by the NA-MAAB and JMAAB modeling standards organizations are:

  • NA-MAAB — No recommendations

  • JMAAB — a

Results and Recommended Actions

ConditionRecommended Action
Logical expression contains more than two primary expressions that consist of a constant, constant parameter, and input.

Consider one of the following:

  • Make primary expressions an input and either:

    • Use parenthesized expressions with one relational operator type

    • Construct a simple "If" express using template
      <Primary Expression><Logical Operator><Primary Expression>

  • Reduce the number of primary expressions to two or less.

  • Construct the logical expression using logical blocks other than the If block.

Logical expression contains more than two parenthesized expressions that use multiple relational operators

Consider one of the following:

  • Use only one type of relational operator. Acceptable logical operators include <, >, >=, <=, ==, ~=, |, &, and ~. The primary expression must consist of inputs only.

  • Reduce the number of parenthesized expressions to two or less.

  • Construct the logical expression using logical blocks other than the If block.

Parenthesized expression includes a relational operator other than zero or <, >, >=, <=, ==, ~=, |, &, or ~.

Consider one of the following:

  • Use relational operator <, >, >=, <=, ==, ~=, |, &, or ~ within the parenthesized expression.

  • Construct the logical expression using logical blocks other than the If block.

Capabilities and Limitations

  • Does not flag logical expressions that use only one of these relative operators <, >, >=, <=, ==, ~=, |, &, and ~

  • Runs on library models.

  • Analyzes content of library-linked blocks. By default, the input parameter Follow links is set to on.

  • Analyzes content in masked subsystems. By default, the input parameter Look under masks is set to graphical.

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