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Check model diagnostic parameters

Check ID: mathworks.maab.jc_0021

Guideline: jc_0021: Model diagnostic settings


Model Advisor checks that these diagnostics configuration parameters are set as defined in the Results and Recommended Actions section below:

This check requires a Simulink® Check™ license.

Check Parameterization

This Model Advisor check is not applicable for JMAAB modeling guidelines.

This check does not include sub-checks.

For reference, the MAB guideline sub ID(s) that are recommended for use by the NA-MAAB and JMAAB modeling standards organizations are:

  • NA-MAAB — a

  • JMAAB — Not supported

Results and Recommended Actions

ConditionRecommended Action
Algebraic loop is set to none.Set Algebraic loop to error or warning. Otherwise, Simulink might attempt to automatically break the algebraic loops, which can impact the execution order of the blocks.
Minimize algebraic loop is set to none. Set Minimize algebraic loop to error or warning. Otherwise, Simulink might attempt to automatically break the algebraic loops for reference models and atomic subsystems, which can impact the execution order for those models or subsystems.
Inf or NaN block output is set to noneSet Inf or NaN block output to error or warning. Otherwise, numerical exceptions occur in the generated code
Duplicate data store names is set to none. Set Duplicate data store names to error or warning. Otherwise, non-unique variable names exist in the generated code.
Unconnected block input ports is set to none. Set Unconnected block input ports to error or warning. Otherwise, code cannot be generated.
Unconnected block output ports is set to none. Set Unconnected block output ports to error or warning. Otherwise, dead code results.
Unconnected line is set to none. Set Unconnected line to error or warning. Otherwise, code cannot be generated.
Unspecified bus object at root Outport block is set to none.Set Unspecified bus object at root Outport block to error or warning. Otherwise, the result is an unspecified interface when the model is referenced from another model.
Element name mismatch is set to none. Set Element name mismatch to error or warning. Otherwise, the result is an unintended interface in the generated code.

Capabilities and Limitations

  • Does not run on library models.

  • Does not allow exclusions of blocks or charts.

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