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Check model font settings

Check ID: mathworks.jmaab.db_0043

Guideline: db_0043: Model font and font size


Check for difference in font and font sizes.

For font, this check runs on the following Simulink® and Stateflow® elements:

Simulink elements:

  • Block

  • Signal

  • Annotation

Stateflow Elements:

  • State

  • Box

  • Simulink Functions

  • Embedded MATLAB® functions

  • Annotations

  • Truth Table

  • Charts and Sub-charts

  • Transitions

Available with Simulink Check™.

Check Parameterization

This check contains sub-checks that correspond to sub IDs specified in the MAB and JMAAB modeling guidelines. You can use the Model Advisor Configuration Editor to specify which sub IDs (one or multiple) to execute.

For reference, the MAB guideline sub ID(s) that are recommended for use by the NA-MAAB and JMAAB modeling standards organizations are:

  • NA-MAAB — a, b, c, d

  • JMAAB — a, b, c, d

To customize the text elements in your model, use the Model Advisor Configuration Editor.

  1. Open the Model Configuration Editor and search for check ID db_0043.

  2. Use the lists under Input Parameters to customize the font elements in your Simulink models and Stateflow charts. Note that when you select Default, the check flags different fonts/styles/size that are used in your model.

  3. Click Apply and save the configuration.

Results and Recommended Actions

Guideline Sub IDConditionRecommended Action
db_0043_a: Check font and font style in Simulink block and signal namesFont settings of one or more Simulink blocks or signal names are different from input parameters.Change font settings of block and signal names as per input parameters.
db_0043_b: Check font size in Simulink block and signal namesFont settings of one or more Simulink blocks or signal names are different from input parameters.Change font size of block and signal names as per input parameters.
db_0043_c: Check font and font style in Stateflow objectsFont settings of one or more Stateflow objects are different from input parameters.Change font settings of Stateflow objects as per input parameters.
db_0043_d: Check font size in Stateflow objectsFont settings of one or more Stateflow objects are different from input parameters.Change font size of Stateflow objects as per input parameters.

Capabilities and Limitations

  • Runs on library models.

  • Does not analyze content of library linked blocks.

  • Analyzes content in masked subsystems that have no workspaces and no dialogs.

  • Allows exclusions of blocks and charts.

  • Does not support Truth Table (Stateflow) blocks and Stateflow transition tables.

Action Results

Click Modify all Fonts to change the font and font size of text elements in the model to the values selected in the input parameters.

For the input parameters, if you specify Common, clicking Modify all Fonts changes the font and font sizes of text elements in the model to the most commonly used fonts, font sizes, or font styles.

See Also

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