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Check safety-related diagnostic settings for signal data

Check ID: mathworks.hism.hisl_0314

Check model configuration for diagnostic settings that apply to signal data and that can impact safety.


This check verifies that model diagnostic configuration parameters pertaining to signal data are set optimally for generating code for a safety-related application.

Available with Simulink® Check™.

Results and Recommended Actions

ConditionRecommended Action
The diagnostic that specifies how the Simulink software resolves signals associated with Simulink.Signal objects is set to Explicit and implicit or Explicit and warn implicit. For safety-related applications, model developers should be required to define signal resolution explicitly. (See DO-331, Section MB.6.3.3.b – Software architecture is consistent.)

Set Signal resolution on the Diagnostics > Data Validity pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog box or set the parameter SignalResolutionControl to Explicit only. This provides predictable operation by requiring users to define each signal and block setting that must resolve to Simulink.Signal objects in the workspace.

Alternatively, to disable the use of Simulink.Signal objects, set the configuration parameter to None.

The Product block diagnostic that detects a singular matrix while inverting one of its inputs in matrix multiplication mode is set to none or warning. Division by a singular matrix can result in numeric exceptions when executing generated code. This is not acceptable in safety-related systems. (See DO-331, Section MB.6.3.1.g – Algorithms are accurate, DO-331, Section MB.6.3.2.g – Algorithms are accurate, and MISRA C:2012, Dir 4.1.)Set Division by singular matrix on the Diagnostics > Data Validity pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog box or set the parameter CheckMatrixSingularityMsg to error.
The diagnostic that detects when the Simulink software cannot infer the data type of a signal during data type propagation is set to none or warning. For safety-related applications, model developers must verify the data types of signals. (See DO-331, Section MB.6.3.1.e – High-level requirements conform to standards, and DO-331, Section MB.6.3.2.e – Low-level requirements conform to standards.)Set Underspecified data types on the Diagnostics > Data Validity pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog box or set the parameter UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg to error.
The diagnostic that detects whether the value of a signal is too large to be represented by the signal data type is set to none or warning. Undetected numeric overflows can result in unexpected application behavior. (See DO-331, Section MB.6.3.1.g – Algorithms are accurate, DO-331, Section MB.6.3.2.g – Algorithms are accurate, and MISRA C:2012, Dir 4.1.)Set Wrap on overflow on the Diagnostics > Data Validity pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog box or set the parameter IntegerOverflowMsg to error.
The diagnostic that detects whether the value of a signal is too large to be represented by the signal data type, resulting in a saturation, is set to none or warning. Undetected numeric overflows can result in unexpected application behavior. (See DO-331, Section MB.6.3.1.g – Algorithms are accurate, DO-331, Section MB.6.3.2.g – Algorithms are accurate, and MISRA C:2012, Dir 4.1.)Set Saturate on overflow on the Diagnostics > Data Validity pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog box or set the parameter IntegerSaturationMsg to error.
The diagnostic that detects when the value of a block output signal is Inf or NaN at the current time step is set to none or warning. When this type of block output signal condition occurs, numeric exceptions can result, and numeric exceptions are not acceptable in safety-related applications. (See DO-331, Section MB.6.3.1.g – Algorithms are accurate, DO-331, Section MB.6.3.2.g – Algorithms are accurate, and MISRA C:2012, Dir 4.1.)Set Inf or NaN block output on the Diagnostics > Data Validity pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog box or set the parameter SignalInfNanChecking to error.
The diagnostic that detects Simulink object names that begin with rt is set to none or warning. This diagnostic prevents name clashes with generated signal names that have an rt prefix. (See DO-331, Section MB.6.3.1.e – High-level requirements conform to standards, and DO-331, Section MB.6.3.2.e – Low-level requirements conform to standards.)Set "rt" prefix for identifiers on the Diagnostics > Data Validity pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog box or set the parameter RTPrefix to error.
The diagnostic that detects simulation range checking is set to none or warning. This diagnostic detects when signals exceed their specified ranges during simulation. Simulink compares the signal values that a block outputs with the specified range and the block data type. (See DO-331, Section MB.6.3.1.g – Algorithms are accurate, DO-331, Section MB.6.3.2.g – Algorithms are accurate, and MISRA C:2012, Dir 4.1.)Set Simulation range checking on the Diagnostics > Data Validity pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog box or set the parameter SignalRangeChecking to error.

Action Results

Clicking Modify Settings configures model diagnostic settings that apply to signal data and that can impact safety.

Capabilities and Limitations

  • Does not run on library models.

  • Does not allow exclusions of blocks or charts.

See Also

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