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Check signal line connections

Check ID: mathworks.jmaab_v6.db_0032

Guideline: db_0032: Signal line connections


Checks if the Simulink® signals that are intersecting and overlapping adhere to recommended guidelines.

This check requires a Simulink Check™ license.

Check Parameterization

This check contains sub-checks that correspond to sub IDs specified in the MAB and JMAAB modeling guidelines. You can use the Model Advisor Configuration Editor to specify which sub IDs (one or multiple) to execute.

For reference, the MAB guideline sub ID(s) that are recommended for use by the NA-MAAB and JMAAB modeling standards organizations are:

  • NA-MAAB — a, b, c

  • JMAAB — a, b, c


Subchecks db_0032_a, db_0032_b are selected by default.

Results and Recommended Actions

Guideline Sub IDConditionRecommended Action
db_0032_a: Check if signal lines are split into multiple sublinesSignal lines are split into more than two signal lines at a single branch point.Reposition signal lines to avoid splitting into more than two signal lines at a single branch point.
db_0032_b: Check if signals are drawn as slanting linesSignal lines are drawn as slanting lines in the diagram.Draw signals as vertical or horizontal lines.

Capabilities and Limitations

  • The subcheck db_0032_c cannot be executed on the model.

  • Considers signal hop preference.

  • Does not analyze block label overlaps.

  • Considers Simulink signals that split into more than two signals at a single branch.

  • Runs on library models.

  • Allows exclusions of subsystems.

  • Analyzes content of library-linked blocks. By default, the input parameter Follow links is set to on.

  • Analyzes content in masked subsystems. By default, the input parameter Look under masks is set to graphical.

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