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Add See Also section and links


setRefLink(ft_obj, {{'standard'}})
setRefLink(ft_obj, {{'url', 'standard'}})


setRefLink(ft_obj, {{'standard'}}) is an optional method that adds a See Also section above the table or list in the result. Use this method to add references to standards. ft_obj is a handle to a template object. standard is a cell array of character vectors that you want to display in the result. If you include more than one cell, the Model Advisor displays the character vectors in a bulleted list.

setRefLink(ft_obj, {{'url', 'standard'}}) generates a list of links in the See Also section. url indicates the location to link to. You must provide the full link including the protocol. For example, https:\\ is a valid link, while is not a valid link. You can create a link to a protocol that is valid URL, such as a web site address, a full path to a file, or a relative path to a file.


setRefLink expects a cell array of cell arrays for the second input.


Create a list object, ft, and add a related standard:

ft = ModelAdvisor.FormatTemplate('ListTemplate');
setRefLink(ft, {{'IEC 61508-3, Table A.3 (3) ''Language subset'''}});

Create a list object, ft, and add a list of related standards:

ft = ModelAdvisor.FormatTemplate('ListTemplate');
setRefLink(ft, {
    {'IEC 61508-3, Table A.3 (2) ''Strongly typed programming language'''},...
    {'IEC 61508-3, Table A.3 (3) ''Language subset'''}});

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