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Add status to the check or subcheck result


setSubResultStatus(ft_obj, 'status')


setSubResultStatus(ft_obj, 'status') is an optional method that displays the status in the result. Use this method to display the status of the check or subcheck in the result. ft_obj is a handle to a template object. status is a character vector identifying the status of the check:

Pass: Check did not identify issues.
D-Pass: Dependent on configuration parameter. Check did not identify issues.
Warn: Check has identified issues.
Fail: Check fails to execute.


This example shows how to create a callback function for a custom check that finds and reports optimization settings. The check consists of two subchecks. The first reviews the Block reduction optimization setting and the second reviews the Conditional input branch execution optimization setting.

A check with subchecks includes the following items in the results:

  • A description of what the overall check is reviewing.

  • A title for the subcheck.

  • A description of what the subcheck is reviewing.

  • References to standards, if applicable.

  • The status of the subcheck.

  • A description of the status.

  • Results for the subcheck.

  • Recommended actions to take when the subcheck does not pass.

  • A line between the subcheck results.

% Sample Check 3 Callback Function: Check with Subchecks and Actions
% Find and report optimization settings
function ResultDescription = OptmizationSettingCallback(system)
% Initialize variables
system =getfullname(system);
mdladvObj = Simulink.ModelAdvisor.getModelAdvisor(system);
mdladvObj.setCheckResultStatus(false); % Default check status is 'Warning'
ResultDescription = {};

% Format results in a list using Model Advisor Result Template API
% Create a list template object for first subcheck
ft1 = ModelAdvisor.FormatTemplate('ListTemplate');

% Description of check in results
setCheckText(ft1,'Check optimization settings');

% Title and description of first subcheck
setSubTitle(ft1,'Verify Block reduction optimization setting');
setInformation(ft1,['Check to confirm that the Block reduction ' ...
                                'check box is cleared.']);
% Add See Also section with references to applicable standards
docLinks{1}     = {['Reference DO331 Section MB.6.3.4.e - Source code ' ...
                            'is traceable to low-level requirements']};
% Review 'Block reduction' optimization
if strcmp(get_param(system,'BlockReduction'),'off')
    % 'Block reduction' is cleared
    % Set subresult status to 'Pass' and display text describing the status
    setSubResultStatusText(ft1,['The ''Block reduction'' ' ...
                                    'check box is cleared']);
    ResultStatus = true;
    % 'Block reduction' is selected
    % Set subresult status to 'Warning' and display text describing the status
    setSubResultStatusText(ft1,['The Block reduction ' ...
                                    'check box is selected.']);
    setRecAction(ft1,['Clear the ''Optimization > Block reduction''' ...
                ' check box in the Configuration Parameters dialog box.']);
    ResultStatus = false;

ResultDescription{end+1} = ft1;

% Title and description of second subcheck
ft2 = ModelAdvisor.FormatTemplate('ListTemplate');
setSubTitle(ft2,'Verify Conditional input branch execution setting');
setInformation(ft2,['Check to confirm that the ''Conditional input branch ' ...
                                    'execution'' check box is cleared.'])
% Add See Also section and references to applicable standards
docLinks{1} = {['Reference DO331 Section MB. - Test coverage ' ...
                            'of software structure is achieved']};

% Last subcheck, suppress line

% Check status of the 'Conditional input branch execution' check box
if strcmp(get_param(system,'ConditionallyExecuteInputs'),'off')
    % The 'Conditional input branch execution' check box is cleared
    % Set subresult status to 'Pass' and display text describing the status
    setSubResultStatusText(ft2,['The ''Conditional input branch ' ...
                                'execution'' check box is cleared.']);
    % 'Conditional input branch execution' is selected
    % Set subresult status to 'Warning' and display text describing the status
    setSubResultStatusText(ft2,['The ''Conditional input branch ' ...
                        'execution'' check box is selected.']);
    setRecAction(ft2,['Clear the ''Optimization > Conditional input branch ' ...
            'execution'' check box in the Configuration Parameters dialog box.']);
    ResultStatus = false;

ResultDescription{end+1} = ft2; % Pass list template object to Model Advisor
mdladvObj.setCheckResultStatus(ResultStatus); % Set overall check status
% Enable Modify Settings button when check fails
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