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Type property

Class: ModelAdvisor.InputParameter
Namespace: ModelAdvisor

Input parameter type


character vector

Default: ''


The Type property specifies the type of input parameter.

Use the Type property with the Value and Entries properties to define input parameters.

Valid values are listed in the following table.

TypeData TypeDefault ValueDescription
BoolBooleanfalseA check box
ComboBoxCell arrayFirst entry in the list

A drop-down menu

  • Use Entries to define the entries in the list.

  • Use Value to indicate a specific entry in the menu or to enter a value not in the list.

EnumCell arrayFirst entry in the list

A drop-down menu

  • Use Entries to define the entries in the list.

  • Use Value to indicate a specific entry in the list.


A button

When you click the button, the callback function specified by Entries is called.

StringCharacter vector''A text box


% define input parameters
inputParam1 = ModelAdvisor.InputParameter;
inputParam1.Name = 'Skip font checks.';
inputParam1.Type = 'Bool';
inputParam1.Value = false;
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