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View Artifact Issues in Project

When you open a Model Design or Model Testing Dashboard, the dashboard analyzes the project and collects information about the project artifacts, the artifact structure, and the traceability relationships between artifacts. For information about traceability relationships, see Explore Traceability Information Using Trace Views. This example shows how to identify and troubleshoot the errors and warnings the dashboard generates during artifact analysis by using the Artifact Issues tab and at the command line. The Artifact Issues tab displays three types of messages: errors, warnings, and informational messages.

If an artifact generates a warning or error during artifact analysis, the dashboard considers that an artifact issue. Artifact issues in a project can lead to incorrect metric results.

Open Artifact Issues Tab

The Artifact Issues icon in the dashboard toolstrip changes based on the severity of the artifact issues in the project:

  • If you do not have warnings or errors, the icon shows a green check mark:

  • If you have warnings but do not have errors, the icon shows a yellow triangle:

  • If you have any errors, the icon shows a red octagon:

You can investigate artifact issues by clicking the Artifact Issues button in the toolstrip. The dashboard opens an Artifact Issues tab that you can use to troubleshoot the warnings and errors and to identify and fix artifact issues in your project. The issues appear in the Artifact Issues tab and persist between MATLAB® sessions.

If you have errors, warnings, or informational messages, the Artifact Issues tab displays detailed information for each message. If not, you see an empty table.

View Details About Artifact Issues

When you point to the icon in the Severity column, the tooltip shows the severity of the artifact issue. The severity is either Error, Warning, or Info (for informational messages). The Message column shows detailed information about the issue. The Source column provides a hyperlink to open the affected artifact so that you can investigate and fix the artifact issue. To sort the artifact issues by issue type, click the Message ID column header.

The Artifact Issues tab displays a table with columns showing the severity type of an artifact issue and additional information about the issue.

  • Severity — When you point to the icon in the Severity column, the tooltip shows the severity of the artifact issue with color-coded icons. The different severity types are:

    • Info: Informational message about the artifact.

    • Warning: The dashboard does not support that specific artifact, modeling construct, or relationship. For example, the dashboard does not execute callbacks on model loading or closing. If a model relies on a callback to link to another artifact, that artifact does not link to the model when the dashboard runs the artifact traceability analysis.

    • Error: The dashboard might not have been able to properly trace artifacts, analyze artifacts, or collect metrics. For example, the dashboard cannot analyze a dirty test case until you resave the test case.

  • Message — Detailed information about the issue or the informational message.

  • Source — Hyperlink to the affected artifact. Open the artifact so that you can investigate and fix the artifact issue.

  • Message ID — Artifact issue type. To sort the artifact issues by type, click the Message ID column header.

For example, suppose a model in your project uses callbacks. When the dashboard performs artifact analysis, the artifact returns a warning because the dashboards do not execute model loading callbacks when loading the model for analysis. Fix this artifact issue to avoid incorrect metric results.

Artifact Issues tab showing a warning about model callbacks

Get Artifact Issues Programmatically

Alternatively, you can use the function getArtifactIssues on a metric engine object to return a list of the artifact issues the dashboard detects in the project. In this example model that uses callbacks, the function getArtifactIssues returns a warning that model loading and closing callbacks are deactivated during analysis.

metric_engine = metric.Engine;
ans = 

  struct with fields:

         IssueId: "alm:simulink_trace_plugins:ModelCallbacksDeactivated"
    IssueMessage: "Model Loading and Closing Callbacks have been deactivated while loading 'cc_CruiseControl' for analysis."
        Severity: "WARNING"
         Address: "cc_CruiseControl :: models/cc_CruiseControl.slx :: cc_CruiseControl"
            UUID: "172e0964-ac10-46ed-a3ae-e6f170fe92c0"

Fix Artifact Issues

For information on how to resolve artifact issues, see Resolve Missing Artifacts, Links, and Results.

See Also


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