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Specify Design Requirements

Add and edit design requirements, such as lower and upper amplitude bounds, step response characteristics, reference signals, and custom requirements

You can optimize the response of your Simulink® model to meet both time-domain and frequency-domain design requirements. You can specify your requirements interactively in the app, or at the command line using requirements objects. For information about available requirements, see Supported Design Requirements.


Response OptimizerOptimize model response to satisfy design requirements, test model robustness


Check Against ReferenceCheck that model signal tracks reference signal during simulation
Check Custom BoundsCheck that model signal satisfies bounds during simulation
Check Step Response CharacteristicsCheck that model signal satisfies step response bounds during simulation


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sdo.requirements.SignalBoundPiecewise-linear amplitude bound
sdo.requirements.SignalTrackingReference signal to track
sdo.requirements.StepResponseEnvelopeStep response bound on signal
sdo.requirements.PhasePlaneEllipseImpose elliptic bound on phase plane trajectory of two signals
sdo.requirements.PhasePlaneRegionImpose region bound on phase plane trajectory of two signals
sdo.requirements.FunctionMatchingImpose function matching constraint on variable
sdo.requirements.MonotonicVariableImpose monotonic constraint on variable
sdo.requirements.RelationalConstraintImpose relational constraint on pair of variables
sdo.requirements.SmoothnessConstraintImpose bounds on gradient magnitude of variable
sdo.requirements.BodeMagnitudeBode magnitude bound
sdo.requirements.ClosedLoopPeakGain Closed loop peak gain bound
sdo.requirements.GainPhaseMarginGain and phase margin bounds
sdo.requirements.OpenLoopGainPhaseNichols response bound
sdo.requirements.PZDampingRatioDamping ratio bound
sdo.requirements.PZNaturalFrequencyNatural frequency bound
sdo.requirements.PZSettlingTimeSettling time bound
sdo.requirements.SingularValueSingular value bound
evalRequirementEvaluate design requirement
getboundsGet bounds specified in Check block
sdo.setCheckBlockEnabledEnable or disable all check blocks in model


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