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What Is Component Verification?

Component Verification Approaches

Component verification lets you test a design component in your model using either of the following approaches:

  • Within the context of the model that contains the component — Using systematic simulation of closed-loop controllers requires that you verify components within a control system model. Doing so lets you test the control algorithms with your model. This approach is called system analysis.

  • As standalone components — For a high level of confidence in the component algorithm, verify the component in isolation from the rest of the system. This approach is called component analysis.

    Verifying standalone components provides three advantages:

    • You can use analysis to focus on portions of the design that you cannot test because of the physical limitations of the system being controlled.

    • You can use this approach for open-loop simulations to test the plant model without feedback control.

    • You can use this approach when the model is unavailable or when you need to simulate a control system model in accelerated mode for performance reasons.

Simulink Design Verifier Tools for Component Verification

By isolating the component to verify, and using tools that Simulink® Design Verifier™ provides, you create test cases that let you expand the scope of the testing for large models. This expanded testing helps you accomplish the following:

  • Achieve 100% model coverage — If certain model components do not record 100% coverage, the top-level model cannot achieve 100% coverage. By verifying these components individually, you can create test cases that fully specify the component interface, allowing the component to record 100% coverage.

  • Debug the component — To verify that each model component satisfies the specified design requirements, you can create test cases that verify that specific components perform as designed.

  • Test the robustness of the component — To verify that a component handles unexpected inputs and calculations properly, you can create test cases that generate data. Then, test the error-handling capabilities in the component.

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