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Class: slreq.LinkSet
Namespace: slreq

Get profiles assigned to link set

Since R2022b


fileNames = profiles(myLinkSet)


fileNames = profiles(myLinkSet) returns the file names of the profiles assigned to the link set myLinkSet.

Input Arguments

expand all

Link set, specified as an slreq.LinkSet object.

Output Arguments

expand all

Profile file names, returned as a cell array of character vectors.


expand all

This example shows how to get the profiles assigned to a link set and how to remove a profile.

Load the myAddRequirements requirement set, which also loads the myAddProfile link set.

rs = slreq.load("myAddRequirements");

Find the myAddProfile link set.

myLinkSet = slreq.find(Type="LinkSet",Description="myAdd");

Get the profiles assigned to the link set.

fileName = profiles(myLinkSet)
fileName = 1x1 cell array

Remove the profile from the link set.

tf = removeProfile(myLinkSet,fileName{1})
tf = logical


  • To get profiles assigned to requirement sets, use the profiles method of slreq.ReqSet.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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