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Record Data from Hardware I/O Devices

Models using recorded data in simulation can reproduce the behavior of the application when implemented onto a physical hardware or device. SoC Blockset™ provides a set of functions that can connect and record I/O device data directly from a hardware board. The recorded data file can then be used in an SoC Blockset model simulation.

Process to Record Data

To record I/O data from a hardware board, you can follow the general sequence of steps below.

  1. Configure Hardware – Connect and configure your hardware board. You may need to install the hardware support package for your hardware board.

  2. Create Data Recorder – A data recorder object manages the I/O hardware peripherals and stores the data during the data collection process.

  3. Choose I/O Devices – Choose from the available I/O devices on the hardware board and add them to the data recorder object.

  4. Setup Recorder – Prepare the hardware board for the data recording process. This setup includes any initialization and configuration of the hardware I/O devices to be recorded.

  5. Start Recording – Start the data recorder on the hardware. The data recorder executes and collects data from the hardware I/O devices for the specified period.

  6. Execute Hardware Operations – Run hardware operations on the hardware board that exercise the peripherals being recorded. Operations can include sending signals to an analog-to-digital converter or reading data received on a UDP channel.

  7. Save Data – Save the data stored in the data recorder to a file on your development computer.

The resulting data file can now be used in the simulation of the hardware blocks.

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