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Controller LCFB1

Load controller for turbine-governor model

Since R2020a

  • Controller LCFB1 block

Simscape / Electrical / Control / Turbine-Governors


The Controller LCFB1 block models a model LCFB1 turbine load controller. You can use this load controller with any turbine-governor model, such as the Governor Type 1 or Governor Type 3 blocks.

You can switch between continuous and discrete implementations of the block by using the Sample time (-1 for inherited) parameter. To configure the controller for continuous time, set the Sample time (-1 for inherited) property to 0. To configure the controller for discrete time, set the Sample time (-1 for inherited) property to a positive, nonzero value, or to -1 to inherit the sample time from an upstream block.

This diagram illustrates the overall structure of the block:



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Speed load, specified as a scalar.

Data Types: single | double

Power setpoint value, specified as a scalar.

Data Types: single | double

Electrical power input, specified as a scalar.

Data Types: single | double


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Bias to apply to a turbine-governor speed load reference, returned as a scalar.

Data Types: single | double


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Per-unit speed reference.

Per-unit power reference at the start of the simulation.

Per-unit deadband of the controller.

Maximum possible error.

Per-unit gain of the frequency bias.

Per-unit proportional gain for PI control.

Per-unit integral gain for PI control.

Time constant of the power transducer, in seconds. The power transducer is represented by the block labeled "Low-Pass Filter" in the diagram.

Per-unit upper saturation limit for the output.

Time between consecutive block executions. During execution, the block produces outputs and, if appropriate, updates its internal state. For more information, see What Is Sample Time? and Specify Sample Time.

For inherited discrete-time operation, set this parameter to -1. For discrete-time operation, set this parameter to a positive integer. For continuous-time operation, set this parameter to 0.

If this block is in a masked subsystem or a variant subsystem that supports switching between continuous operation and discrete operation, promote this parameter to ensure correct switching between the continuous and discrete implementations of the block. For more information, see Promote Block Parameters on a Mask.


[1] Task Force on Turbine-Governor Modeling, Dynamic models for turbine-governors in power system studies, IEEE Power Energy Society, January 2013.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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