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Import EESM Flux and Loss Data from ANSYS Maxwell

Since R2024b

This example shows how to import the design of an externally excited synchronous motor (EESM) from ANSYS® Maxwell® into a Simscape™ model.

An EESM, or wound-rotor synchronous machine (WRSM), has a separate field winding that generates the magnetic field in the rotor. This type of machine can control the magnitude of the rotor field independently of the stator current.

You can also use the steps in this example to import the design of a hybrid-excitation PMSM motor. In a hybrid-excitation PMSM motor, the permanent magnets and a field winding generate the rotor magnetic field.

Load EESM FEM Data

You can export the flux linkage, torque, and loss characteristics from an ANSYS Maxwell EESM motor design and use them as parameters for the FEM-Parameterized Synchronous Machine block.

The EESMFromMaxwellLoadData.m script loads the exported MAT file into the Simscape model.

Visualize EESM FEM Data

Plot the flux linkage, torque, and power loss FEM data as a function of rotor DC current, stator AC current amplitude, and stator AC current advance angle.

Open Model

The dynamometer rotates the machine at a constant 7000 RPM, and the current sources apply stator currents that correspond to peak torque generation. A second current source maintains the field winding at a constant value.

View Simulation Results from Simscape Logging

This plot shows the sinusoidal currents and the resulting line-to-line voltages. The flux dependence on the rotor angle results in higher-order harmonics.

See Also

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