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Automated Regression Model Selection with Bayesian and ASHA Optimization

This example shows how to use the fitrauto function to automatically try a selection of regression model types with different hyperparameter values, given training predictor and response data. By default, the function uses Bayesian optimization to select and assess models. If your training data set contains many observations, you can use an asynchronous successive halving algorithm (ASHA) instead. After the optimization is complete, fitrauto returns the model, trained on the entire data set, that is expected to best predict the responses for new data. Check the model performance on test data.

Prepare Data

Load the sample data set NYCHousing2015, which includes 10 variables with information on the sales of properties in New York City in 2015. This example uses some of these variables to analyze the sale prices.

load NYCHousing2015

Instead of loading the sample data set NYCHousing2015, you can download the data from the NYC Open Data website and import the data as follows.

folder = 'Annualized_Rolling_Sales_Update';
ds = spreadsheetDatastore(folder,"TextType","string","NumHeaderLines",4);
ds.Files = ds.Files(contains(ds.Files,"2015"));
NYCHousing2015 = readall(ds);

Preprocess the data set to choose the predictor variables of interest. Some of the preprocessing steps match those in the example Train Linear Regression Model.

First, change the variable names to lowercase for readability.

NYCHousing2015.Properties.VariableNames = lower(NYCHousing2015.Properties.VariableNames);

Next, remove samples with certain problematic values. For example, retain only those samples where at least one of the area measurements grosssquarefeet or landsquarefeet is nonzero. Assume that a saleprice of $0 indicates an ownership transfer without a cash consideration, and remove the samples with that saleprice value. Assume that a yearbuilt value of 1500 or less is a typo, and remove the corresponding samples.

NYCHousing2015(NYCHousing2015.grosssquarefeet == 0 & NYCHousing2015.landsquarefeet == 0,:) = [];
NYCHousing2015(NYCHousing2015.saleprice == 0,:) = [];
NYCHousing2015(NYCHousing2015.yearbuilt <= 1500,:) = [];

Convert the saledate variable, specified as a datetime array, into two numeric columns MM (month) and DD (day), and remove the saledate variable. Ignore the year values because all samples are for the year 2015.

[~,NYCHousing2015.MM,NYCHousing2015.DD] = ymd(NYCHousing2015.saledate);
NYCHousing2015.saledate = [];

The numeric values in the borough variable indicate the names of the boroughs. Change the variable to a categorical variable using the names.

NYCHousing2015.borough = categorical(NYCHousing2015.borough,1:5, ...
    ["Manhattan","Bronx","Brooklyn","Queens","Staten Island"]);

The neighborhood variable has 254 categories. Remove this variable for simplicity.

NYCHousing2015.neighborhood = [];

Convert the buildingclasscategory variable to a categorical variable, and explore the variable by using the wordcloud function.

NYCHousing2015.buildingclasscategory = categorical(NYCHousing2015.buildingclasscategory);

Assume that you are interested only in one-, two-, and three-family dwellings. Find the sample indices for these dwellings and delete the other samples. Then, change the buildingclasscategory variable to an ordinal categorical variable, with integer-valued category names.

idx = ismember(string(NYCHousing2015.buildingclasscategory), ...
NYCHousing2015 = NYCHousing2015(idx,:);
NYCHousing2015.buildingclasscategory = categorical(NYCHousing2015.buildingclasscategory, ...

The buildingclasscategory variable now indicates the number of families in one dwelling.

Explore the response variable saleprice by using the summary function.

s = summary(NYCHousing2015);
ans = struct with fields:
           Size: [24972 1]
           Type: 'double'
    Description: ''
          Units: ''
     Continuity: []
            Min: 1
         Median: 515000
            Max: 37000000
     NumMissing: 0

Create a histogram of the saleprice variable.


Because the distribution of saleprice values is right-skewed, with all values greater than 0, log transform the saleprice variable.

NYCHousing2015.saleprice = log(NYCHousing2015.saleprice);

Similarly, transform the grosssquarefeet and landsquarefeet variables. Add a value of 1 before taking the logarithm of each variable, in case the variable is equal to 0.

NYCHousing2015.grosssquarefeet = log(1 + NYCHousing2015.grosssquarefeet);
NYCHousing2015.landsquarefeet = log(1 + NYCHousing2015.landsquarefeet);

Partition Data and Remove Outliers

Partition the data set into a training set and a test set by using cvpartition. Use approximately 80% of the observations for the model selection and hyperparameter tuning process, and the other 20% to test the performance of the final model returned by fitrauto.

rng("default") % For reproducibility of the partition
c = cvpartition(length(NYCHousing2015.saleprice),"Holdout",0.2);
trainData = NYCHousing2015(training(c),:);
testData = NYCHousing2015(test(c),:);

Identify and remove the outliers of saleprice, grosssquarefeet, and landsquarefeet from the training data by using the isoutlier function.

[priceIdx,priceL,priceU] = isoutlier(trainData.saleprice);
trainData(priceIdx,:) = [];

[grossIdx,grossL,grossU] = isoutlier(trainData.grosssquarefeet);
trainData(grossIdx,:) = [];

[landIdx,landL,landU] = isoutlier(trainData.landsquarefeet);
trainData(landIdx,:) = [];

Remove the outliers of saleprice, grosssquarefeet, and landsquarefeet from the test data by using the same lower and upper thresholds computed on the training data.

testData(testData.saleprice < priceL | testData.saleprice > priceU,:) = [];
testData(testData.grosssquarefeet < grossL | testData.grosssquarefeet > grossU,:) = [];
testData(testData.landsquarefeet < landL | testData.landsquarefeet > landU,:) = [];

Use Automated Model Selection with Bayesian Optimization

Find an appropriate regression model for the data in trainData by using fitrauto. By default, fitrauto uses Bayesian optimization to select models and their hyperparameter values, and computes the log(1+valLoss) value for each model, where valLoss is the cross-validation mean squared error (MSE). fitrauto provides a plot of the optimization and an iterative display of the optimization results. For more information on how to interpret these results, see Verbose Display.

Specify to run the Bayesian optimization in parallel, which requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™. Due to the nonreproducibility of parallel timing, parallel Bayesian optimization does not necessarily yield reproducible results. Because of the complexity of the optimization, this process can take some time, especially for larger data sets.

bayesianOptions = struct("UseParallel",true);
[bayesianMdl,bayesianResults] = fitrauto(trainData,"saleprice", ...
Warning: Data set has more than 10000 observations. Because ASHA optimization often finds good solutions faster than Bayesian optimization for data sets with many observations, try specifying the 'Optimizer' field value as 'asha' in the 'HyperparameterOptimizationOptions' value structure.
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'Processes' profile ...
Connected to parallel pool with 6 workers.
Copying objective function to workers...
Done copying objective function to workers.
Learner types to explore: ensemble, svm, tree
Total iterations (MaxObjectiveEvaluations): 90
Total time (MaxTime): Inf

| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Estimated min   | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | validation loss |              |                                         |
|    1 |       6 | Best   |       0.25922 |            6.2857 |         0.25922 |         0.25922 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0055914 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | KernelScale:                  0.0056086 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | Epsilon:                          17.88 |
|    2 |       6 | Best   |       0.19314 |             38.13 |         0.19314 |         0.19658 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   529.96 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | KernelScale:                     813.67 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | Epsilon:                      0.0014318 |
|    3 |       6 | Accept |       0.19652 |            40.944 |         0.19314 |         0.19652 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  232 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                          8 |
|    4 |       6 | Best   |       0.18796 |            1.9986 |         0.18796 |         0.18796 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         43 |
|    5 |       6 | Accept |       0.19634 |            45.853 |         0.18796 |         0.18796 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  271 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                         53 |
|    6 |       6 | Best   |       0.18761 |            39.413 |         0.18761 |         0.18761 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   23.501 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | KernelScale:                      37.99 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | Epsilon:                      0.0072166 |
|    7 |       6 | Accept |       0.29931 |            20.977 |         0.18761 |         0.18761 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          2 |
|    8 |       6 | Accept |         0.202 |            34.705 |         0.18761 |         0.18761 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  246 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                       1114 |
|    9 |       6 | Best   |       0.18737 |            55.486 |         0.18737 |         0.18761 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  297 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                       3220 |
|   10 |       6 | Accept |       0.19582 |             32.49 |         0.18737 |         0.18741 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  247 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                       4243 |
|   11 |       6 | Accept |       0.29931 |             20.54 |         0.18737 |         0.18741 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          2 |
|   12 |       6 | Accept |       0.25922 |            1.9202 |         0.18737 |         0.18741 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.31228 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | KernelScale:                       73.3 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | Epsilon:                         2.1891 |
|   13 |       6 | Accept |       0.25922 |            1.6937 |         0.18737 |         0.18741 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   107.75 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | KernelScale:                     414.93 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | Epsilon:                         27.903 |
|   14 |       6 | Best   |       0.17764 |            156.66 |         0.17764 |         0.17768 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  275 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                          4 |
|   15 |       6 | Accept |       0.18795 |            1.1238 |         0.17764 |         0.17768 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        219 |
|   16 |       6 | Best   |       0.17762 |            161.46 |         0.17762 |         0.17765 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  299 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                        161 |
|   17 |       6 | Accept |       0.19855 |                 1 |         0.17762 |         0.17765 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        895 |
|   18 |       6 | Accept |       0.19644 |            33.735 |         0.17762 |         0.17765 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  208 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                        210 |
|   19 |       6 | Accept |       0.18966 |             37.57 |         0.17762 |         0.17765 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   18.072 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | KernelScale:                     48.632 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | Epsilon:                       0.014558 |
|   20 |       6 | Accept |       0.18558 |           0.76697 |         0.17762 |         0.17765 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         81 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Estimated min   | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | validation loss |              |                                         |
|   21 |       6 | Accept |       0.21098 |            1.3316 |         0.17762 |         0.17765 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         12 |
|   22 |       6 | Accept |       0.23354 |            36.341 |         0.17762 |         0.17765 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0045714 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | KernelScale:                     31.869 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | Epsilon:                      0.0072361 |
|   23 |       6 | Best   |       0.17748 |            120.76 |         0.17748 |         0.17804 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  227 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                        161 |
|   24 |       6 | Accept |       0.27791 |            8.3041 |         0.17748 |         0.17804 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          3 |
|   25 |       6 | Accept |       0.20705 |            0.2638 |         0.17748 |         0.17804 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       1381 |
|   26 |       6 | Accept |        0.1853 |            50.557 |         0.17748 |         0.17806 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  218 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                       2260 |
|   27 |       6 | Accept |       0.25951 |            4.7144 |         0.17748 |         0.17806 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          4 |
|   28 |       6 | Accept |       0.21851 |            23.951 |         0.17748 |         0.17842 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  239 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                       2731 |
|   29 |       6 | Best   |       0.17744 |            108.21 |         0.17744 |          0.1772 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  209 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                         12 |
|   30 |       6 | Accept |       0.18572 |            93.637 |         0.17744 |          0.1772 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   169.91 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | KernelScale:                     27.071 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | Epsilon:                      0.0098403 |
|   31 |       6 | Accept |       0.23155 |            1.8938 |         0.17744 |          0.1772 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          7 |
|   32 |       6 | Accept |       0.25922 |             1.673 |         0.17744 |          0.1772 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   404.64 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | KernelScale:                     3.2648 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | Epsilon:                         1.9718 |
|   33 |       6 | Accept |       0.29931 |            17.896 |         0.17744 |          0.1772 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          2 |
|   34 |       6 | Accept |       0.23949 |            2.2754 |         0.17744 |          0.1772 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          6 |
|   35 |       6 | Accept |       0.25922 |            1.6811 |         0.17744 |          0.1772 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   1.3089 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | KernelScale:                   0.051591 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | Epsilon:                           10.5 |
|   36 |       6 | Accept |       0.19423 |            28.765 |         0.17744 |          0.1772 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   111.04 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | KernelScale:                     660.47 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | Epsilon:                       0.011798 |
|   37 |       6 | Accept |       0.19293 |           0.34422 |         0.17744 |          0.1772 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        421 |
|   38 |       6 | Accept |         0.178 |            80.632 |         0.17744 |         0.17728 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  200 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                        530 |
|   39 |       6 | Accept |       0.21113 |           0.26389 |         0.17744 |         0.17728 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       2018 |
|   40 |       6 | Accept |       0.25922 |          0.079127 |         0.17744 |         0.17728 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       9068 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Estimated min   | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | validation loss |              |                                         |
|   41 |       6 | Accept |       0.18554 |           0.51767 |         0.17744 |         0.17728 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        107 |
|   42 |       6 | Accept |       0.18555 |           0.53657 |         0.17744 |         0.17728 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         90 |
|   43 |       6 | Accept |       0.18613 |              0.54 |         0.17744 |         0.17728 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        120 |
|   44 |       6 | Accept |       0.18636 |           0.50797 |         0.17744 |         0.17728 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         67 |
|   45 |       6 | Accept |         0.186 |           0.49626 |         0.17744 |         0.17728 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        119 |
|   46 |       6 | Accept |       0.18566 |           0.56792 |         0.17744 |         0.17728 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         75 |
|   47 |       6 | Accept |       0.18516 |           0.49218 |         0.17744 |         0.17728 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         85 |
|   48 |       6 | Accept |       0.18613 |           0.50745 |         0.17744 |         0.17728 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        120 |
|   49 |       6 | Accept |       0.18597 |           0.53279 |         0.17744 |         0.17728 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         73 |
|   50 |       6 | Accept |       0.19384 |           0.75739 |         0.17744 |         0.17728 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         26 |
|   51 |       6 | Accept |       0.22647 |           0.16018 |         0.17744 |         0.17728 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       4214 |
|   52 |       6 | Accept |       0.24354 |            16.868 |         0.17744 |         0.17741 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  213 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                       5333 |
|   53 |       6 | Accept |        0.1874 |           0.54513 |         0.17744 |         0.17741 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        164 |
|   54 |       6 | Best   |       0.17736 |            119.47 |         0.17736 |         0.17741 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  254 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                        330 |
|   55 |       6 | Accept |       0.18978 |           0.42057 |         0.17736 |         0.17741 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        289 |
|   56 |       6 | Accept |       0.25922 |            2.0556 |         0.17736 |         0.17741 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                 0.093209 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | KernelScale:                     416.84 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | Epsilon:                         47.572 |
|   57 |       6 | Accept |       0.18703 |           0.65344 |         0.17736 |         0.17741 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         55 |
|   58 |       6 | Accept |        0.1776 |            102.98 |         0.17736 |         0.17746 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  200 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|   59 |       6 | Accept |        0.1776 |            103.17 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  201 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|   60 |       6 | Accept |       0.20326 |            41.575 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | NumLearningCycles:                  330 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | MinLeafSize:                       1205 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Estimated min   | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | validation loss |              |                                         |
|   61 |       6 | Accept |       0.25922 |            2.6973 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0037301 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | KernelScale:                   0.030368 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |                 |              | Epsilon:                         7.7463 |
|   62 |       6 | Accept |       0.33688 |            57.891 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|   63 |       6 | Accept |        0.1854 |           0.49429 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         92 |
|   64 |       6 | Accept |        0.1854 |           0.48028 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         92 |
|   65 |       6 | Accept |       0.18534 |             0.498 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         91 |
|   66 |       6 | Accept |       0.18523 |           0.50116 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         98 |
|   67 |       6 | Accept |       0.19488 |           0.32729 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        594 |
|   68 |       6 | Accept |       0.18719 |           0.51344 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        151 |
|   69 |       6 | Accept |       0.18521 |           0.46106 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         97 |
|   70 |       6 | Accept |       0.18994 |           0.64877 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         37 |
|   71 |       6 | Accept |       0.18539 |           0.49978 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         94 |
|   72 |       6 | Accept |       0.18516 |           0.51504 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         85 |
|   73 |       6 | Accept |       0.18621 |           0.55018 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         61 |
|   74 |       6 | Accept |       0.18521 |           0.50246 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         97 |
|   75 |       6 | Accept |       0.18529 |            0.5302 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         83 |
|   76 |       6 | Accept |       0.18523 |           0.48346 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         98 |
|   77 |       6 | Accept |       0.18516 |           0.51575 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         84 |
|   78 |       6 | Accept |       0.18521 |           0.49904 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         97 |
|   79 |       6 | Accept |       0.18518 |           0.53828 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         86 |
|   80 |       6 | Accept |       0.18521 |           0.51996 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         97 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Estimated min   | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | validation loss |              |                                         |
|   81 |       6 | Accept |       0.18516 |            0.5163 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         84 |
|   82 |       6 | Accept |       0.18545 |           0.51286 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         96 |
|   83 |       6 | Accept |       0.18529 |           0.52428 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         82 |
|   84 |       6 | Accept |       0.18534 |           0.50201 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         91 |
|   85 |       6 | Accept |       0.18521 |           0.53773 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         97 |
|   86 |       6 | Accept |       0.18516 |           0.52911 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         85 |
|   87 |       6 | Accept |       0.18555 |           0.49957 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         90 |
|   88 |       6 | Accept |       0.18519 |           0.51559 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        100 |
|   89 |       6 | Accept |       0.18518 |           0.50232 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         87 |
|   90 |       6 | Accept |       0.18523 |             0.505 |         0.17736 |         0.17735 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         98 |

Optimization completed.
Total iterations: 90
Total elapsed time: 571.3359 seconds
Total time for training and validation: 1784.4961 seconds

Best observed learner is an ensemble model with:
	Learner:              ensemble
	Method:                LSBoost
	NumLearningCycles:         254
	MinLeafSize:               330
Observed log(1 + valLoss): 0.17736
Time for training and validation: 119.4679 seconds

Best estimated learner (returned model) is an ensemble model with:
	Learner:              ensemble
	Method:                LSBoost
	NumLearningCycles:         254
	MinLeafSize:               330
Estimated log(1 + valLoss): 0.17735
Estimated time for training and validation: 119.5561 seconds

Documentation for fitrauto display

The Total elapsed time value shows that the Bayesian optimization took a while to run (about 10 minutes).

The final model returned by fitrauto corresponds to the best estimated learner. Before returning the model, the function retrains it using the entire training data set (trainData), the listed Learner (or model) type, and the displayed hyperparameter values.

Use Automated Model Selection with ASHA Optimization

When fitrauto with Bayesian optimization takes a long time to run because of the number of observations in your training set, consider using fitrauto with ASHA optimization instead. Given that trainData contains over 10,000 observations, try using fitrauto with ASHA optimization to automatically find an appropriate regression model. When you use fitrauto with ASHA optimization, the function randomly chooses several models with different hyperparameter values and trains them on a small subset of the training data. If the log(1+valLoss) value for a particular model is promising, where valLoss is the cross-validation MSE, the model is promoted and trained on a larger amount of the training data. This process repeats, and successful models are trained on progressively larger amounts of data. By default, fitrauto provides a plot of the optimization and an iterative display of the optimization results. For more information on how to interpret these results, see Verbose Display.

Specify to run the ASHA optimization in parallel. Note that ASHA optimization often has more iterations than Bayesian optimization by default. If you have a time constraint, you can specify the MaxTime field of the HyperparameterOptimizationOptions structure to limit the number of seconds fitrauto runs.

ashaOptions = struct("Optimizer","asha","UseParallel",true);
[ashaMdl,ashaResults] = fitrauto(trainData,"saleprice", ...
Copying objective function to workers...
Warning: Files that have already been attached are being ignored. To see which files are attached see the 'AttachedFiles' property of the parallel pool.
Done copying objective function to workers.
Learner types to explore: ensemble, svm, tree
Total iterations (MaxObjectiveEvaluations): 340
Total time (MaxTime): Inf

| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|    1 |       5 | Best   |       0.25924 |           0.39045 |         0.25924 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        449 |
|    2 |       5 | Accept |       0.25934 |           0.31103 |         0.25924 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       2530 |
|    3 |       5 | Best   |       0.25912 |           0.34606 |         0.25912 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   1.3072 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     15.843 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         12.799 |
|    4 |       6 | Accept |        1.1239 |            3.8682 |         0.25912 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                 0.031078 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.70461 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.000557 |
|    5 |       6 | Accept |       0.25929 |           0.12766 |         0.25912 |          910 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   1.3072 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     15.843 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         12.799 |
|    6 |       6 | Accept |       0.25925 |            6.0063 |         0.25912 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  252 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                       3143 |
|    7 |       6 | Accept |       0.25952 |            9.1801 |         0.25912 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  290 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                       2969 |
|    8 |       6 | Accept |       0.25947 |            5.6197 |         0.25912 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  204 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                       1349 |
|    9 |       6 | Best   |       0.20323 |            7.4145 |         0.20323 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  207 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          8 |
|   10 |       6 | Accept |       0.25922 |            5.2324 |         0.20323 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  218 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                       2848 |
|   11 |       6 | Accept |       0.26174 |           0.13671 |         0.20323 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   511.01 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.002289 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.37187 |
|   12 |       6 | Accept |       0.23809 |            6.5597 |         0.20323 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   293.55 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                      542.8 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         1.1488 |
|   13 |       6 | Best   |       0.19609 |            7.9481 |         0.19609 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  207 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          8 |
|   14 |       6 | Accept |       0.26923 |           0.38435 |         0.19609 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   9.0541 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     4.9834 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.023362 |
|   15 |       6 | Accept |       0.25935 |            0.2083 |         0.19609 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       2204 |
|   16 |       6 | Accept |       0.23759 |           0.17437 |         0.19609 |          910 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   293.55 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                      542.8 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         1.1488 |
|   17 |       6 | Accept |       0.25932 |          0.087589 |         0.19609 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       1521 |
|   18 |       6 | Accept |       0.23005 |          0.088929 |         0.19609 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         89 |
|   19 |       6 | Accept |       0.22935 |           0.25217 |         0.19609 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0038969 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     4.0278 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.02414 |
|   20 |       6 | Accept |       0.21347 |           0.66203 |         0.19609 |          910 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0038969 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     4.0278 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.02414 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|   21 |       6 | Accept |        1.1498 |            30.005 |         0.19609 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   5.9764 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.15731 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.13472 |
|   22 |       6 | Accept |       0.25943 |           0.27203 |         0.19609 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.17794 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0016095 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.10435 |
|   23 |       6 | Accept |        4.9545 |            31.542 |         0.19609 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0054073 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.10302 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.084674 |
|   24 |       6 | Accept |       0.20767 |           0.15721 |         0.19609 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          3 |
|   25 |       6 | Accept |       0.20439 |           0.26159 |         0.19609 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          3 |
|   26 |       6 | Accept |       0.25915 |            0.1048 |         0.19609 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   308.98 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     1.5085 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         8.6079 |
|   27 |       6 | Accept |       0.26703 |           0.26196 |         0.19609 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                 0.020371 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     100.81 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.05477 |
|   28 |       6 | Accept |       0.22263 |           0.38075 |         0.19609 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   96.951 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     11.176 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.061916 |
|   29 |       6 | Accept |       0.25923 |          0.097954 |         0.19609 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.80152 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     11.639 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         14.529 |
|   30 |       6 | Accept |        0.2061 |            2.1617 |         0.19609 |          910 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   96.951 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     11.176 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.061916 |
|   31 |       5 | Accept |        0.2594 |           0.12307 |         0.19609 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0049835 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.096697 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                            1.8 |
|   32 |       5 | Accept |       0.19645 |            12.504 |         0.19609 |         3639 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  207 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          8 |
|   33 |       6 | Accept |       0.26057 |           0.11147 |         0.19609 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        254 |
|   34 |       6 | Accept |       0.19634 |            8.2066 |         0.19609 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  232 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         21 |
|   35 |       6 | Accept |        4.5202 |            38.259 |         0.19609 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0012763 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.020115 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.010552 |
|   36 |       6 | Accept |       0.26111 |           0.17637 |         0.19609 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   5.2635 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     8.9786 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         15.631 |
|   37 |       6 | Accept |       0.59958 |           0.12302 |         0.19609 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   2.1875 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0027909 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         1.5475 |
|   38 |       6 | Accept |       0.25949 |             8.105 |         0.19609 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  278 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                       4637 |
|   39 |       6 | Accept |       0.25919 |           0.10681 |         0.19609 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        367 |
|   40 |       6 | Accept |       0.19879 |           0.10956 |         0.19609 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         89 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|   41 |       6 | Accept |        0.2181 |            7.0304 |         0.19609 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  230 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         47 |
|   42 |       6 | Accept |        4.1559 |            38.977 |         0.19609 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   207.78 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.046022 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0010033 |
|   43 |       6 | Accept |       0.25932 |           0.21084 |         0.19609 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       3815 |
|   44 |       6 | Accept |       0.20715 |           0.17156 |         0.19609 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         25 |
|   45 |       6 | Best   |       0.18857 |           0.17109 |         0.18857 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         25 |
|   46 |       6 | Best   |       0.18559 |            10.538 |         0.18559 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  232 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         21 |
|   47 |       6 | Best   |       0.18515 |           0.28055 |         0.18515 |         3639 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         25 |
|   48 |       6 | Accept |        4.4083 |           0.15547 |         0.18515 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   159.42 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0025582 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.35672 |
|   49 |       6 | Accept |       0.25999 |          0.080345 |         0.18515 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        924 |
|   50 |       6 | Accept |       0.23664 |            14.625 |         0.18515 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   2.9833 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     64.904 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.46657 |
|   51 |       6 | Accept |        0.2592 |          0.089563 |         0.18515 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        427 |
|   52 |       6 | Accept |        0.2542 |             7.341 |         0.18515 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   17.138 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     705.47 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0020063 |
|   53 |       6 | Accept |       0.23038 |            7.9301 |         0.18515 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  282 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         67 |
|   54 |       6 | Accept |       0.20748 |            0.1069 |         0.18515 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         33 |
|   55 |       6 | Accept |        4.9482 |            31.776 |         0.18515 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   2.4584 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.097169 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.77631 |
|   56 |       6 | Accept |       0.19914 |           0.11203 |         0.18515 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         12 |
|   57 |       6 | Accept |       0.19159 |            0.1374 |         0.18515 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         33 |
|   58 |       6 | Accept |       0.25921 |          0.090418 |         0.18515 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        278 |
|   59 |       6 | Accept |       0.25949 |           0.11956 |         0.18515 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0036313 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     229.52 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         19.065 |
|   60 |       6 | Accept |       0.25933 |           0.08928 |         0.18515 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                 0.017434 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     5.5931 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         6.2283 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|   61 |       6 | Accept |       0.19301 |           0.23848 |         0.18515 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         12 |
|   62 |       6 | Accept |       0.25956 |           0.10927 |         0.18515 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   3.3555 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     11.762 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         3.4714 |
|   63 |       6 | Accept |       0.19729 |            9.3817 |         0.18515 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  299 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         51 |
|   64 |       6 | Accept |       0.19969 |            9.5324 |         0.18515 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  230 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         47 |
|   65 |       6 | Accept |       0.25944 |            6.8929 |         0.18515 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  266 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                        232 |
|   66 |       6 | Accept |       0.25923 |          0.098082 |         0.18515 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        268 |
|   67 |       6 | Accept |       0.19949 |             8.296 |         0.18515 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  250 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         11 |
|   68 |       6 | Accept |       0.29328 |           0.15509 |         0.18515 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0021604 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.72568 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         1.0249 |
|   69 |       6 | Accept |       0.25924 |             6.998 |         0.18515 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  248 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                       5910 |
|   70 |       6 | Accept |       0.25962 |           0.33801 |         0.18515 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       1001 |
|   71 |       6 | Accept |       0.19958 |            8.7508 |         0.18515 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  266 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          2 |
|   72 |       6 | Accept |       0.25936 |            0.1205 |         0.18515 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                 0.014495 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.031712 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         3.5679 |
|   73 |       6 | Accept |       0.25922 |           0.24097 |         0.18515 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   2.3012 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     835.74 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0077649 |
|   74 |       6 | Accept |       0.18703 |            11.889 |         0.18515 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  299 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         51 |
|   75 |       6 | Accept |       0.20816 |           0.10311 |         0.18515 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         43 |
|   76 |       6 | Accept |       0.18623 |            10.336 |         0.18515 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  250 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         11 |
|   77 |       6 | Accept |       0.26156 |           0.12955 |         0.18515 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0010645 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     6.4809 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         7.9513 |
|   78 |       6 | Accept |       0.20273 |            7.7668 |         0.18515 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  224 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          9 |
|   79 |       6 | Best   |        0.1787 |            23.057 |          0.1787 |         3639 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  232 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         21 |
|   80 |       6 | Accept |       0.26811 |           0.27008 |          0.1787 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0032518 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     656.68 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.34053 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|   81 |       6 | Accept |       0.22695 |           0.29741 |          0.1787 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.39402 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     31.169 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.031802 |
|   82 |       6 | Accept |       0.19756 |            11.213 |          0.1787 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  266 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          2 |
|   83 |       6 | Accept |        4.0586 |            39.347 |          0.1787 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   13.159 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.030173 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.019064 |
|   84 |       6 | Accept |       0.21179 |            0.1484 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          3 |
|   85 |       6 | Accept |        5.3881 |            39.708 |          0.1787 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                 0.036205 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.039957 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                     0.00052381 |
|   86 |       6 | Accept |       0.79147 |            6.8742 |          0.1787 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   425.38 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     4.6541 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.01015 |
|   87 |       5 | Accept |       0.22605 |            0.2864 |          0.1787 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0080031 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     3.4638 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0098092 |
|   88 |       5 | Accept |       0.19337 |           0.14007 |          0.1787 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         43 |
|   89 |       6 | Accept |       0.19487 |            8.9817 |          0.1787 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  280 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          6 |
|   90 |       6 | Accept |        0.1975 |            9.3135 |          0.1787 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  224 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          9 |
|   91 |       6 | Accept |       0.25954 |          0.096006 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       6723 |
|   92 |       6 | Accept |       0.25928 |          0.089713 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        723 |
|   93 |       6 | Accept |        1.7565 |            22.635 |          0.1787 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   31.378 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                      1.578 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.13664 |
|   94 |       6 | Accept |       0.19604 |            9.4771 |          0.1787 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  289 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|   95 |       6 | Accept |       0.25926 |            5.3677 |          0.1787 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  201 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                       1178 |
|   96 |       6 | Accept |       0.20448 |           0.18023 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          4 |
|   97 |       6 | Accept |       0.25921 |            6.9837 |          0.1787 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  252 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                        146 |
|   98 |       6 | Accept |       0.25947 |           0.09563 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        600 |
|   99 |       6 | Accept |       0.19444 |            7.1977 |          0.1787 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  229 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          7 |
|  100 |       6 | Accept |       0.21648 |           0.15696 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          2 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|  101 |       6 | Accept |       0.18608 |            11.922 |          0.1787 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  280 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          6 |
|  102 |       6 | Accept |       0.18584 |            12.463 |          0.1787 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  289 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|  103 |       6 | Accept |       0.21165 |           0.11397 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         53 |
|  104 |       6 | Accept |       0.25928 |          0.084474 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       8998 |
|  105 |       6 | Accept |       0.25925 |          0.095797 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       2272 |
|  106 |       6 | Accept |       0.25923 |          0.080193 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       5905 |
|  107 |       6 | Accept |       0.19701 |           0.27589 |          0.1787 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          4 |
|  108 |       6 | Accept |       0.20037 |            10.177 |          0.1787 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  280 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|  109 |       6 | Accept |       0.25958 |           0.10236 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        134 |
|  110 |       6 | Accept |       0.25934 |           0.10276 |          0.1787 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   74.567 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0015974 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0034784 |
|  111 |       6 | Accept |       0.20288 |            0.1018 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         19 |
|  112 |       6 | Accept |       0.18487 |            10.591 |          0.1787 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  229 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          7 |
|  113 |       6 | Accept |       0.21404 |           0.15926 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          3 |
|  114 |       6 | Accept |       0.17898 |            24.396 |          0.1787 |         3639 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  250 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         11 |
|  115 |       6 | Accept |       0.25781 |            7.0975 |          0.1787 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.57268 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     144.77 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0035523 |
|  116 |       6 | Accept |        4.8979 |            33.111 |          0.1787 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   42.319 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.090631 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.10486 |
|  117 |       6 | Accept |       0.20353 |           0.11934 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          6 |
|  118 |       6 | Accept |       0.19678 |             11.63 |          0.1787 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  280 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|  119 |       6 | Accept |       0.18914 |           0.16287 |          0.1787 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         19 |
|  120 |       6 | Accept |       0.20292 |           0.15012 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          4 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|  121 |       6 | Accept |       0.25926 |          0.085338 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       1980 |
|  122 |       6 | Accept |       0.25924 |          0.088001 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       7649 |
|  123 |       6 | Accept |       0.20825 |           0.27787 |          0.1787 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   20.926 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     46.672 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0093695 |
|  124 |       6 | Accept |       0.19916 |           0.24746 |          0.1787 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          4 |
|  125 |       6 | Accept |       0.17911 |            28.029 |          0.1787 |         3639 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  289 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|  126 |       6 | Accept |        4.6514 |            38.346 |          0.1787 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0099888 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.032527 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.012744 |
|  127 |       6 | Accept |       0.19877 |            8.8632 |          0.1787 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  275 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|  128 |       6 | Accept |       0.25929 |            0.0835 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       4202 |
|  129 |       6 | Accept |       0.19996 |           0.11225 |          0.1787 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         12 |
|  130 |       6 | Accept |       0.22175 |            7.2107 |          0.1787 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  248 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         49 |
|  131 |       6 | Accept |       0.25927 |           0.10101 |          0.1787 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   463.19 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0015281 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         3.5963 |
|  132 |       6 | Accept |       0.23848 |           0.25945 |          0.1787 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0031649 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     4.8895 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0013612 |
|  133 |       6 | Best   |       0.17865 |            26.593 |         0.17865 |         3639 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  229 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          7 |
|  134 |       6 | Accept |       0.26635 |           0.13553 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   242.37 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                      76.45 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         1.5249 |
|  135 |       6 | Accept |       0.19013 |           0.17075 |         0.17865 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         12 |
|  136 |       6 | Accept |        5.2905 |            33.591 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   14.996 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.10377 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0016871 |
|  137 |       6 | Accept |         4.799 |           0.21266 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                    21.44 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0076633 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.23505 |
|  138 |       6 | Accept |       0.25925 |          0.084649 |         0.17865 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       8192 |
|  139 |       6 | Accept |       0.25938 |            6.5295 |         0.17865 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  230 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                        377 |
|  140 |       6 | Accept |       0.19391 |           0.23152 |         0.17865 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          6 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|  141 |       6 | Accept |       0.20039 |            9.1042 |         0.17865 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  262 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          7 |
|  142 |       6 | Accept |        4.3905 |           0.19627 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0090374 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0060556 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                           0.71 |
|  143 |       6 | Accept |       0.19648 |            11.545 |         0.17865 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  275 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|  144 |       6 | Accept |       0.44845 |           0.51895 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   1.7321 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     2.1647 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.15215 |
|  145 |       6 | Accept |       0.20219 |           0.28444 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   220.22 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     40.425 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.030772 |
|  146 |       6 | Accept |       0.82646 |            5.6295 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                    273.9 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     4.1295 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0024699 |
|  147 |       6 | Accept |        3.7322 |            38.403 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0010279 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.017025 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.69262 |
|  148 |       6 | Accept |       0.25967 |          0.088793 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                 0.021344 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0012067 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.06872 |
|  149 |       6 | Accept |       0.25926 |            5.7485 |         0.17865 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  226 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                       6821 |
|  150 |       6 | Accept |        1.1525 |            3.7652 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.46953 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     1.1723 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.018647 |
|  151 |       6 | Accept |       0.20021 |           0.99398 |         0.17865 |          910 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   220.22 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     40.425 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.030772 |
|  152 |       6 | Accept |       0.20343 |            10.365 |         0.17865 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  279 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|  153 |       6 | Accept |       0.21077 |            9.0509 |         0.17865 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  239 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         26 |
|  154 |       6 | Accept |       0.19652 |            11.886 |         0.17865 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  262 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          7 |
|  155 |       6 | Accept |       0.21346 |             0.107 |         0.17865 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         40 |
|  156 |       6 | Accept |       0.25943 |            6.6607 |         0.17865 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  213 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                       5729 |
|  157 |       6 | Accept |       0.25919 |           0.12216 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   1.3285 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     736.47 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                          9.793 |
|  158 |       6 | Accept |       0.25921 |            8.1718 |         0.17865 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  299 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                        263 |
|  159 |       6 | Accept |       0.22275 |           0.20173 |         0.17865 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|  160 |       6 | Accept |       0.19625 |           0.73561 |         0.17865 |          910 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   20.926 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     46.672 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0093695 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|  161 |       6 | Accept |       0.25939 |          0.098374 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                 0.058482 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0022433 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         1.1598 |
|  162 |       6 | Accept |       0.25928 |          0.088939 |         0.17865 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       2723 |
|  163 |       6 | Accept |       0.19591 |            6.7653 |         0.17865 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  209 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         13 |
|  164 |       6 | Accept |       0.21206 |           0.20982 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.23746 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     3.6412 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.20189 |
|  165 |       6 | Accept |        1.5717 |            12.792 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   0.1537 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     0.7338 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0023964 |
|  166 |       6 | Accept |        4.6735 |           0.15923 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   4.4526 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0035563 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.46657 |
|  167 |       6 | Accept |       0.19707 |            11.491 |         0.17865 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  279 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|  168 |       6 | Accept |       0.23619 |           0.39746 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   157.33 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     12.524 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.031316 |
|  169 |       6 | Accept |       0.25921 |          0.079397 |         0.17865 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       6454 |
|  170 |       6 | Accept |       0.25921 |            5.7177 |         0.17865 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  210 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                        786 |
|  171 |       6 | Accept |       0.26015 |           0.11349 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   0.4392 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     16.376 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                          26.02 |
|  172 |       6 | Accept |       0.25929 |            6.9015 |         0.17865 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  258 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                        799 |
|  173 |       6 | Accept |       0.26118 |           0.11207 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   1.9516 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.43497 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         9.5343 |
|  174 |       6 | Accept |       0.19444 |           0.14242 |         0.17865 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         53 |
|  175 |       6 | Accept |       0.18394 |            9.6563 |         0.17865 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  209 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         13 |
|  176 |       6 | Accept |       0.25479 |           0.14223 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   225.13 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     123.73 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         1.3343 |
|  177 |       6 | Accept |        0.1795 |            25.509 |         0.17865 |         3639 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  280 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          6 |
|  178 |       6 | Accept |       0.21688 |           0.37729 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   768.25 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     29.702 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0024812 |
|  179 |       6 | Accept |       0.26039 |           0.11452 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   4.9484 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     1.0482 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         21.234 |
|  180 |       6 | Accept |       0.19701 |            9.8469 |         0.17865 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  239 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         26 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|  181 |       6 | Accept |       0.25983 |            5.9307 |         0.17865 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  225 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                       6419 |
|  182 |       6 | Accept |       0.20388 |           0.29265 |         0.17865 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          3 |
|  183 |       6 | Accept |       0.25921 |            6.2816 |         0.17865 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  232 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                        159 |
|  184 |       6 | Accept |        0.2619 |          0.097129 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0037221 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.37378 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         9.2589 |
|  185 |       6 | Accept |       0.25928 |           0.10908 |         0.17865 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       7591 |
|  186 |       6 | Accept |       0.20357 |          0.090146 |         0.17865 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         27 |
|  187 |       6 | Accept |        0.1893 |           0.15405 |         0.17865 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         27 |
|  188 |       6 | Accept |       0.25952 |            5.8543 |         0.17865 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  220 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                        283 |
|  189 |       6 | Accept |       0.25922 |          0.094638 |         0.17865 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        735 |
|  190 |       6 | Accept |        1.0501 |            9.0791 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0029624 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     0.4503 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0047908 |
|  191 |       6 | Accept |        2.0742 |            24.322 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.31516 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.58016 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0081462 |
|  192 |       6 | Accept |       0.25947 |           0.10052 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0077418 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0015665 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         36.814 |
|  193 |       6 | Accept |       0.19851 |           0.11387 |         0.17865 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          8 |
|  194 |       6 | Accept |       0.26163 |          0.084585 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   112.86 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0021014 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.029344 |
|  195 |       6 | Accept |       0.19976 |           0.55087 |         0.17865 |          910 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.23746 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     3.6412 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.20189 |
|  196 |       6 | Accept |       0.20698 |           0.12351 |         0.17865 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          4 |
|  197 |       6 | Accept |       0.19674 |           0.19255 |         0.17865 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          8 |
|  198 |       6 | Accept |       0.25922 |          0.097554 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   20.918 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     646.59 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         5.3626 |
|  199 |       6 | Accept |        4.3697 |           0.16234 |         0.17865 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   283.79 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0039105 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.071105 |
|  200 |       6 | Accept |       0.19725 |            8.0734 |         0.17865 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  262 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         10 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|  201 |       6 | Accept |       0.17981 |             20.71 |         0.17865 |         3639 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  209 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         13 |
|  202 |       6 | Best   |       0.17839 |             31.64 |         0.17839 |         3639 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  299 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         51 |
|  203 |       6 | Accept |        3.0117 |            25.226 |         0.17839 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0010023 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.21324 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.015111 |
|  204 |       6 | Best   |       0.17747 |            113.95 |         0.17747 |        14556 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  232 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         21 |
|  205 |       6 | Accept |       0.20464 |           0.12123 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         38 |
|  206 |       6 | Accept |       0.20345 |           0.11611 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          5 |
|  207 |       6 | Accept |       0.25958 |          0.084698 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        175 |
|  208 |       6 | Accept |       0.25946 |            6.6024 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  259 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                       2564 |
|  209 |       6 | Accept |       0.19334 |           0.24243 |         0.17747 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          5 |
|  210 |       6 | Accept |       0.19562 |            9.0505 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  271 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|  211 |       6 | Accept |       0.18447 |            11.522 |         0.17747 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  262 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         10 |
|  212 |       6 | Accept |       0.25934 |            6.8799 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  265 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                        283 |
|  213 |       6 | Accept |       0.20264 |            9.0681 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  266 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          9 |
|  214 |       6 | Accept |        4.2528 |            19.129 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   82.625 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.049305 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         0.1354 |
|  215 |       6 | Accept |       0.36051 |            22.407 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.24379 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.21574 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.19855 |
|  216 |       6 | Accept |       0.19788 |           0.11434 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          7 |
|  217 |       6 | Accept |        4.6436 |             38.78 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0074352 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0083396 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0013205 |
|  218 |       6 | Accept |       0.25962 |           0.10879 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       2811 |
|  219 |       6 | Accept |       0.20341 |            7.1399 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  213 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          8 |
|  220 |       6 | Accept |       0.19174 |           0.31247 |         0.17747 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          7 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|  221 |       6 | Accept |        4.4187 |           0.18142 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                 0.062005 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0061157 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         1.2716 |
|  222 |       6 | Accept |       0.25924 |          0.085414 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       1624 |
|  223 |       6 | Accept |        0.2593 |            4.8506 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  202 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                       1594 |
|  224 |       6 | Accept |       0.20956 |            7.8639 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  249 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         68 |
|  225 |       6 | Accept |       0.25934 |          0.096467 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        963 |
|  226 |       6 | Accept |       0.17886 |            25.303 |         0.17747 |         3639 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  262 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         10 |
|  227 |       6 | Accept |       0.25947 |           0.10379 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       1473 |
|  228 |       6 | Accept |       0.25918 |           0.13096 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.38183 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.023107 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         10.677 |
|  229 |       6 | Accept |       0.18509 |            12.601 |         0.17747 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  271 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|  230 |       6 | Accept |       0.19606 |            8.9382 |         0.17747 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  213 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          8 |
|  231 |       5 | Accept |       0.19671 |             11.18 |         0.17747 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  266 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          9 |
|  232 |       5 | Accept |       0.20255 |           0.13277 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          5 |
|  233 |       6 | Accept |       0.26213 |           0.26877 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0028038 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     810.16 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0030228 |
|  234 |       6 | Accept |       0.25943 |          0.091359 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        215 |
|  235 |       6 | Accept |       0.25962 |          0.096807 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                 0.009004 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     37.307 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         5.8595 |
|  236 |       6 | Accept |       0.19437 |           0.21291 |         0.17747 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          5 |
|  237 |       6 | Accept |       0.20498 |           0.25416 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.71175 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     6.6854 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0028282 |
|  238 |       6 | Accept |       0.26001 |          0.095152 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                    120.8 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     12.251 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         4.4155 |
|  239 |       6 | Accept |       0.25924 |          0.073817 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       2181 |
|  240 |       6 | Accept |       0.21369 |           0.14467 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          3 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|  241 |       6 | Accept |        0.1906 |           0.13465 |         0.17747 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         38 |
|  242 |       6 | Accept |       0.40741 |            1.3827 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   227.27 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     6.4364 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.13925 |
|  243 |       6 | Accept |       0.20198 |            9.1787 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  283 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          9 |
|  244 |       5 | Accept |        3.8508 |            39.213 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   587.66 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.014658 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.036807 |
|  245 |       5 | Accept |       0.19808 |            8.3436 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  289 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         14 |
|  246 |       6 | Accept |        4.8726 |            31.184 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   784.29 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.075318 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.18619 |
|  247 |       6 | Accept |       0.25987 |           0.10339 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0071746 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.15234 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         11.082 |
|  248 |       6 | Accept |        0.1797 |            25.885 |         0.17747 |         3639 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  271 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|  249 |       6 | Accept |        0.2611 |            0.1044 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   3.4502 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     5.8058 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         3.6108 |
|  250 |       6 | Accept |       0.25929 |           0.12647 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        344 |
|  251 |       6 | Accept |        4.4082 |            38.748 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   17.315 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.016928 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.73348 |
|  252 |       6 | Accept |        0.2593 |            6.3505 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  258 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                        400 |
|  253 |       6 | Accept |       0.26003 |           0.10729 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        828 |
|  254 |       6 | Accept |       0.20025 |            8.1396 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  234 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|  255 |       6 | Accept |       0.18528 |              12.7 |         0.17747 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  289 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         14 |
|  256 |       6 | Accept |       0.26376 |           0.26448 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.50105 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     434.22 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0099215 |
|  257 |       6 | Accept |       0.25921 |            6.9512 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  255 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                       3385 |
|  258 |       6 | Accept |        0.1978 |            11.792 |         0.17747 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  283 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          9 |
|  259 |       6 | Accept |       0.19776 |            9.7264 |         0.17747 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  234 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          1 |
|  260 |       6 | Accept |       0.24875 |             7.349 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                    14.01 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     469.23 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.13191 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|  261 |       6 | Accept |       0.22455 |            6.9209 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.18817 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     12.784 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         0.6341 |
|  262 |       6 | Accept |       0.19167 |           0.75477 |         0.17747 |          910 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.71175 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     6.6854 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0028282 |
|  263 |       6 | Accept |       0.25957 |           0.11494 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   118.19 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0023401 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         2.6591 |
|  264 |       6 | Accept |       0.25909 |           0.10551 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                  0.13507 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0022823 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0016091 |
|  265 |       6 | Accept |         0.271 |           0.44689 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   973.84 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     10.717 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         0.7485 |
|  266 |       6 | Accept |       0.20133 |            8.5234 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  254 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         13 |
|  267 |       6 | Accept |       0.20039 |            9.6539 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  285 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          5 |
|  268 |       6 | Accept |        5.9515 |            31.371 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   15.141 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.15473 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.017362 |
|  269 |       6 | Accept |       0.21388 |           0.17365 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                    7.419 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     44.748 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.53286 |
|  270 |       6 | Accept |        4.2493 |           0.16616 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   28.598 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0057012 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.49041 |
|  271 |       6 | Accept |       0.19753 |            10.631 |         0.17747 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  254 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         13 |
|  272 |       6 | Accept |       0.25935 |           0.10701 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   0.5398 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0010211 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         0.2952 |
|  273 |       6 | Accept |        7.3592 |            29.508 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0027531 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.21405 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.49714 |
|  274 |       6 | Accept |       0.17866 |            30.497 |         0.17747 |         3639 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  289 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                         14 |
|  275 |       6 | Accept |       0.19587 |            11.523 |         0.17747 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  285 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          5 |
|  276 |       6 | Accept |       0.18464 |           0.26372 |         0.17747 |         3639 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         19 |
|  277 |       6 | Accept |       0.25925 |          0.083213 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                        446 |
|  278 |       6 | Accept |       0.26052 |           0.11342 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   1.1407 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                   0.014809 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         4.2648 |
|  279 |       6 | Accept |       0.19919 |           0.21925 |         0.17747 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          4 |
|  280 |       6 | Accept |       0.17749 |             122.4 |         0.17747 |        14556 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  229 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          7 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | result |               | & validation (sec)| validation loss | size         |              |                                         |
|  281 |       6 | Accept |       0.24351 |            13.121 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0033709 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                      2.689 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                        0.93454 |
|  282 |       6 | Accept |       0.26078 |            7.0174 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                 0.012946 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     32.975 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.002842 |
|  283 |       6 | Accept |        0.2133 |           0.24612 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0075765 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                     2.8074 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0044881 |
|  284 |       6 | Accept |       0.20091 |            8.2694 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  255 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          6 |
|  285 |       6 | Accept |        3.6401 |            23.897 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0026163 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.10725 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0041286 |
|  286 |       6 | Accept |        4.2321 |           0.12661 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   237.21 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0035398 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.001316 |
|  287 |       6 | Accept |       0.25978 |            7.9338 |         0.17747 |          228 |     ensemble | Method:                         LSBoost |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  292 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                        291 |
|  288 |       6 | Accept |       0.25928 |           0.10312 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       7169 |
|  289 |       6 | Accept |       0.23721 |            6.9699 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   22.889 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                        344 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0049392 |
|  290 |       6 | Accept |       0.25931 |           0.12434 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                       5898 |
|  291 |       6 | Accept |       0.19899 |          0.099808 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         20 |
|  292 |       6 | Accept |       0.20548 |           0.12388 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          4 |
|  293 |       6 | Accept |       0.18895 |           0.15628 |         0.17747 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         20 |
|  294 |       6 | Accept |       0.19728 |              10.1 |         0.17747 |          910 |     ensemble | Method:                             Bag |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | NumLearningCycles:                  255 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | MinLeafSize:                          6 |
|  295 |       6 | Accept |        0.2609 |           0.10755 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                   48.918 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                    0.19215 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                         40.346 |
|  296 |       6 | Accept |       0.19886 |           0.12588 |         0.17747 |          228 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          7 |
|  297 |       6 | Accept |        0.2613 |           0.10721 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                0.0029303 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0022101 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                       0.043672 |
|  298 |       6 | Accept |        6.2139 |           0.17019 |         0.17747 |          228 |          svm | BoxConstraint:                    678.2 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | KernelScale:                  0.0050689 |
|      |         |        |               |                   |                 |              |              | Epsilon:                      0.0020536 |
|  299 |       6 | Accept |       0.19489 |           0.20124 |         0.17747 |          910 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                          7 |
|  300 |       6 | Accept |       0.18562 |           0.25638 |         0.17747 |         3639 |         tree | MinLeafSize:                         20 |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | log(1+valLoss)| Time for training | Observed min    | Training set | Learner      | Hyperparameter:                 Value   |
|      | workers | resu...

Optimization completed.
Total iterations: 340
Total elapsed time: 429.3495 seconds
Total time for training and validation: 2373.789 seconds

Best observed learner is an ensemble model with:
	Learner:              ensemble
	Method:                LSBoost
	NumLearningCycles:         232
	MinLeafSize:                21
Observed log(1 + valLoss): 0.17747
Time for training and validation: 113.9466 seconds

Documentation for fitrauto display

The Total elapsed time value shows that the ASHA optimization took less time to run than the Bayesian optimization (about 7 minutes).

The final model returned by fitrauto corresponds to the best observed learner. Before returning the model, the function retrains it using the entire training data set (trainData), the listed Learner (or model) type, and the displayed hyperparameter values.

Evaluate Test Set Performance

Evaluate the performance of the returned bayesianMdl and ashaMdl models on the test set testData. For each model, compute the test set mean squared error (MSE), and take a log transform of the MSE to match the values in the verbose display of fitrauto. Smaller MSE (and log-transformed MSE) values indicate better performance.

bayesianTestMSE = loss(bayesianMdl,testData,"saleprice");
bayesianTestError = log(1 + bayesianTestMSE)
bayesianTestError = 0.1793
ashaTestMSE = loss(ashaMdl,testData,"saleprice");
ashaTestError = log(1 + ashaTestMSE)
ashaTestError = 0.1793

For each model, compare the predicted test set response values to the true response values. Plot the predicted sale price along the vertical axis and the true sale price along the horizontal axis. Points on the reference line indicate correct predictions. A good model produces predictions that are scattered near the line. Use a 1-by-2 tiled layout to compare the results for the two models.

bayesianTestPredictions = predict(bayesianMdl,testData);
ashaTestPredictions = predict(ashaMdl,testData);


hold on
plot(testData.saleprice,testData.saleprice) % Reference line
hold off
xlabel(["True Sale Price","(log transformed)"])
ylabel(["Predicted Sale Price","(log transformed)"])
title("Bayesian Optimization Model")

hold on
plot(testData.saleprice,testData.saleprice) % Reference line
hold off
xlabel(["True Sale Price","(log transformed)"])
ylabel(["Predicted Sale Price","(log transformed)"])
title("ASHA Optimization Model")

Based on the log-transformed MSE values and the prediction plots, the bayesianMdl and ashaMdl models perform similarly well on the test set.

For each model, use box plots to compare the distribution of predicted and true sale prices by borough. Create the box plots by using the boxchart function. Each box plot displays the median, the lower and upper quartiles, any outliers (computed using the interquartile range), and the minimum and maximum values that are not outliers. In particular, the line inside each box is the sample median, and the circular markers indicate outliers.

For each borough, compare the red box plot (showing the distribution of predicted prices) to the blue box plot (showing the distribution of true prices). Similar distributions for the predicted and true sale prices indicate good predictions. Use a 1-by-2 tiled layout to compare the results for the two models.


hold on
hold off
legend(["True Sale Prices","Predicted Sale Prices"])
ylabel(["Sale Price","(log transformed)"])
title("Bayesian Optimization Model")

hold on
hold off
legend(["True Sale Prices","Predicted Sale Prices"])
ylabel(["Sale Price","(log transformed)"])
title("ASHA Optimization Model")

For both models, the predicted median sale price closely matches the median true sale price in each borough. The predicted sale prices seem to vary less than the true sale prices.

For each model, display box charts that compare the distribution of predicted and true sale prices by the number of families in a dwelling. Use a 1-by-2 tiled layout to compare the results for the two models.


hold on
hold off
legend(["True Sale Prices","Predicted Sale Prices"])
xlabel("Number of Families in Dwelling")
ylabel(["Sale Price","(log transformed)"])
title("Bayesian Optimization Model")

hold on
hold off
legend(["True Sale Prices","Predicted Sale Prices"])
xlabel("Number of Families in Dwelling")
ylabel(["Sale Price","(log transformed)"])
title("ASHA Optimization Model")

For both models, the predicted median sale price closely matches the median true sale price in each type of dwelling. The predicted sale prices seem to vary less than the true sale prices.

For each model, plot a histogram of the test set residuals, and check that they are normally distributed. (Recall that the sale prices are log transformed.) Use a 1-by-2 tiled layout to compare the results for the two models.

bayesianTestResiduals = testData.saleprice - bayesianTestPredictions;
ashaTestResiduals = testData.saleprice - ashaTestPredictions;


title("Test Set Residuals (Bayesian)")

title("Test Set Residuals (ASHA)")

Although the histograms are slightly left-skewed, they are both approximately symmetric about 0.

See Also

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