F2838x-M4 UDP Send
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset /
F2838x /
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset /
F28M35x /
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset /
F28M36x /
Instrument Control Toolbox
The UDP Send block sends UDP packets to a UDP host. Use the block for stateless and connectionless data transmission.
The block sends packets from the port number specified in the Local IP Port (-1 for automatic port assignment) parameter. The IP address and the port number of the receiving host are specified in the Remote IP address ( for broadcast) and Remote IP Port parameters.
You can choose to send UDP packets in the blocking or nonblocking mode.
Your antivirus software or firewall might block UDP traffic. Configure the software to allow traffic from a specific IP port number.
Due to RAM memory limitations on the F2838x(ARM Cortex-M4), loading application to RAM is not supported for this block.
CPU Timer 2 of F2838x Arm Cortex-M core (Connectivity Manager) provides time base to lwIP stack. It is configured to trigger an interrupt every 1 ms. This timer should not be re-configured if Ethernet blocks are being used in the model. If the corresponding interrupt is armed through Hardware Interrupt block, it will run the interrupt handler every 1 ms.
Version History
Introduced in R2020b