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ARM Cortex-M4 - UART

Enable UART Loopback

Select this check box to enable data transmission from Tx to Rx buffer. However, selecting this option does not ensure that the data is present in the GPIO MUX.

Desired Baud rate (in bits/sec)

Specify the desired baud rate of the data transmission.

Closest Achievable Baud rate (in bits/sec)

The value in this parameter is calculated based on the desired baud rate that you specify and the system clock frequency. This baud rate is used for the data transfer.

Number of stop bits

Select the number of stop bits used to indicate the end of a byte data transmission. The options available:

  • 1 – Select this option to indicate there is 1 stop bit at the end of a byte data transmission.

  • 2 – Select this option to indicate there are 2 stop bits at the end of a byte data transmission.


User must ensure that the number of stop bits are same for both transmit and receive.

Parity mode
  • Select a parity mode that is added at the end of a binary data for error detection.

    The options available are:

    • None — Select this option when no parity is used. This is the default option.

    • Odd — Select this option to indicate that odd parity is used for data transmission.

      In odd parity mode, the parity bit is set to ‘1’ if the sum of bits with the value ‘1’ is even and the parity bit is set to ‘0’, if the sum of bits with the value ‘1’ is odd.

    • Even — Select this option to indicate that even parity is used for data transmission.

      In even parity mode, the parity bit is set to ‘1’, if the sum of bits with the value ‘1’ is odd and the parity bit is set to ‘0’, if the sum of bits with the value ‘1’ is even.

    • One — Select this option to indicate that the parity bit is always ‘1’.

    • Zero — Select this option to indicate that the parity bit is always ‘0’.

Pin assignment(Tx)

Select a GPIO pin as the UART pin for data transmission. An external USB-to-serial chip should be connected to this pin for serial communication with a PC.

Pin assignment(Rx)

Select a GPIO pin as UART pin for data reception. An external USB-to-serial chip should be connected to this pin for serial communication with a PC.

Enable Receive Interrupt

This check box is enabled by default for updating DMA configuration after data receive. This will trigger UART interrupt when DMA copies any data to FIFO.

Enable Transmit Interrupt

Select this parameter to trigger an ISR from an UART Transmit block. This will trigger UART interrupt when DMA copies any data to FIFO.

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