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Read UAV Trajectory

Generate translation and rotation samples from UAV trajectory

Since R2024b

  • Read UAV Trajectory Block

UAV Toolbox / Utilities


The Read UAV Trajectory block generates translation and rotation samples from a UAV trajectory that you create using a multirotorFlightTrajectory, fixedwingFlightTrajectory, polynomialTrajectory, or waypointTrajectory object.

Use the output of this block for the Translation and Rotation input ports of the Simulation 3D UAV Vehicle block to simulate a UAV trajectory in a 3D simulation environment.




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Time point to sample along the trajectory, specified as a scalar.

To align your translation and rotation samples with your simulation, use the Clock (Simulink) block as the input for this port

Data Types: double


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Position of the UAV, returned as a vector of the form [X Y Z], where X, Y, and Z are positions in the x-, y-, and z-axes, respectively. Units are in meters.

If you enable the Convert to ENU reference frame and Front-Left-Up body frame parameter, this block outputs position in the ENU reference frame. Otherwise, the block returns position in the same frame as the trajectory source.

Example: [1 1 1]

Data Types: double

Euler angle of UAV, returned as a vector of the form [Rz Ry Rx], where Rz, Ry, and Rx are rotation angles around the z-, y-, and x- axes, respectively. Units are in radians.

If you enable the Convert to ENU reference frame and Front-Left-Up body frame parameter, this block outputs rotation from the ENU frame to the Front-Left-Up body frame. Otherwise, this block returns rotation in the same frame as the trajectory source.

Example: [1 0 0]

Data Types: double


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To edit block parameters interactively, use the Property Inspector. From the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Simulation tab, in the Prepare gallery, select Property Inspector.

Select the source for the UAV trajectory from these options:

UAV scenario object containing the UAV platform that has the trajectory you want to use, specified as a uavScenario object.


To enable this parameter, set Trajectory source to From UAV Scenario in workspace.

Name of the UAV that which has the trajectory you want to use.


To enable this parameter, set Trajectory source to From UAV Scenario in workspace.

Specify the trajectory using one of these objects in the workspace: multirotorFlightTrajectory, fixedwingFlightTrajectory, polynomialTrajectory, or waypointTrajectory.


To enable this parameter, set Trajectory source to From trajectory object in workspace.

Select this parameter to output translation in the ENU reference frame and rotation from the ENU frame to the Front-Left-Up body frame. Otherwise, the block outputs translation and rotation in the same frame as the trajectory source. Select this parameter if you want to use the outputs of this block as Translation and Rotation inputs for the Simulation 3D UAV Vehicle block.

Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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