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xcp.Channel Properties

Properties of the xcp.Channel object

Use the following properties to examine or configure xcp.Channel object settings. Use xcpChannel to create an XCP channel object.


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This property is read-only.

Name of the server node as specified in the A2L file, returned as a character vector. For example:

xcpch = xcpChannel(a2lfile,'CAN','Vector','Virtual 1',1);
sn = xcpch.ServerName
sn =


Data Types: char

This property is read-only.

Name of the referenced A2L file, returned as a character vector.

Data Types: char

This property is read-only.

Type of transport layer used for XCP connection, returned as a character vector. For example:

xcpch = xcpChannel(a2lfile,'CAN','Vector','Virtual 1',1);
tl = xcpch.TransportLayer
tl =


Data Types: char

This property is read-only.

XCP transport layer connection details, including information about the device through which the channel communicates with the server, returned as a structure. For example:

xcpch = xcpChannel(a2lfile,'CAN','Vector','Virtual 1',1);
tld = xcpch.TransportLayerDevice
tld = 

  struct with fields:

          Vendor: 'Vector'
          Device: 'Virtual 1'
    ChannelIndex: 1

Data Types: struct

The SeedKeyDLL property indicates the name of the DLL file that contains the seed and key security algorithm used to unlock an XCP server module. The file defines the algorithm for generating the access key from a given seed according to ASAM standard definitions. For information on the file format and API, see the Vector web page Steps to Use Seed&Key Option in CANape or "Seed and Key Algorithm" in the NI™ CAN ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit User Manual. Note: The DLL must be the same bitness as MATLAB (64-bit).

Data Types: char

The ConnectMode property specifies if custom connect modes are allowed. The supported property values are 'normal' (default) and 'user-defined' (allow custom modes). You set this property after creating the channel object, and before connecting. For example:

xcpch = xcpChannel(a2lfile,'CAN','Vector','Virtual 1',1);
xcpch.ConnectMode = 'user-defined';

Data Types: char

Version History

Introduced in R2013a

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