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Enable SSL


  • MATLAB® Web App Server™ only supports the .pem SSL certificate format.

  • SSL keys must be private and must be at least 2048 bits and up to 4096 bits in length (support for 4096-bit keys was introduced in R2023a Update 3).

  • Intermediate certificates are not supported by the server.

  • Private key should not be password protected.

To enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on the server:

  1. Obtain a certificate file and private key file for the server from a certificate authority and place these files in a location accessible to the MATLAB Web App Server.

  2. At the terminal, navigate to the folder containing MATLAB Web App Server command-line scripts.

    Operating SystemDefault Location of Command-Line Scripts

    Windows® (Administrator)

    C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Web App Server\R2024b\script

    Linux® (sudo)


    macOS (Intel® processor) (sudo)


  3. At the terminal, type:

    webapps-config set ssl_certificate_file <path to certificate file>

  4. At the terminal, type:

    webapps-config set ssl_private_key_file <path to private key file>
  5. At the terminal, type:

    webapps-config set ssl_enabled true

  6. Restart the server.


The private key file must be in a location that is readable only by the server account.

A convenient location to store the certificate file and private key file is the webapps_private folder. For the location of the webapps_private folder, see Authentication.

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