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Resolve Issues with Setting Up SD Card


Wireless Testbench™ requires your radio to run with a specific software version on the radio. For NI™ USRP™ radios with a microSD card, you must write the microSD card the first time you use Wireless Testbench. You do this in the Set Up SD Card step in the Radio Setup wizard. If you do not have the correct hardware to write the SD card or the SD card does not meet the required specifications, you cannot use your radio with Wireless Testbench.

Possible Solutions

Hardware Requirements

To write a microSD card with the required software version, you must have a writable microSD card and one of the following:

  • A microSD card reader on your host computer

  • A standard SD card reader on your host computer and an adapter

  • An external USB SD card reader

SD Card Requirements on Linux

If your host computer has a Linux® operating system (OS), your SD card must have a FAT32 partition with a minimum of 14.8 GB of free space.

SD Card Requirements on Windows

If your host computer has a Windows® OS, your microSD card must have a formatted partition and a minimum of 14.8 GB of free space.


If you previously used your microSD card with a USRP radio on a Windows OS, your microSD card can show up as a disk containing multiple partitions in the Drive menu.

See Also



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