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I am blending two images of different sizes in matlab. I want to blend the source image(512x512x3 ) to a specific location in destination image(1920x1080x3). I am using vision.AlphaBlender, but i am getting an error saying step ; sys = tf(a,b);

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Here is the code of my program I1=imread('Lenna.png'); >> I2=imread('Lenna.png'); >> I1=imread('DestinationImage.jpg'); >> I1=im2double(I1); >> I2=im2double(I2); >> halphablend = vision.AlphaBlender; >> location_mask=[500 500]; >> JImgBlend=step(I1, I2, location_mask);
Please help me with this program.

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