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How to use Mask the Source image in vision.AlphaBlender?

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
I tried using this as suggested in Mathworks help but its showing error. Halphablender=vision.AlphaBlender('MaskSource','Input port','Mask','BinaryMask','LocationSource', 'Input port'); Its displaying The MaskSource property is not relevant in this configuration of the System object. Can someone please help me with this problem

Respuesta aceptada

Clive Fox
Clive Fox el 2 de Nov. de 2016
Editada: Walter Roberson el 22 de Jun. de 2017
I had the same issue but MAthwork Tech gave the answer below:
Thank you for contacting MathWorks Technical Support.
The issue you are facing is because to use the variable 'mask', it has to be defined previously. Executing the following commands demonstrates the role of the mask parameter:
>> % load images
>> I1 = im2single(imread('blobs.png'));
>> I2 = im2single(imread('circles.png'));
>> % plot original images
>> figure
>> subplot(1,2,1);
>> imshow(I1);
>> subplot(1,2,2);
>> imshow(I2);
>> % full mask
>> halphablend = vision.AlphaBlender('Operation', 'Binary mask', 'MaskSource', 'Input port');
>> mask = ones(size(I2));
>> J1 = step(halphablend, I1, I2, mask);
>> % upper left corner of the mask is set to 0s
>> mask(1:end/2,1:end/2) = 0;
>> J2 = step(halphablend, I1, I2, mask);
>> % plot
>> figure;
>> imshow(J1);
>> figure;
>> imshow(J2);
  2 comentarios
cui,xingxing el 17 de Sept. de 2022
The above example program should be integrated into the official documentation, however the official documentation for the vision.AlphaBlender function example is too sketchy and should be replaced.

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Más respuestas (1)

Muhammad Danish
Muhammad Danish el 8 de En. de 2019
Still showing error known as
Error using AlphaBlender/step
The Mask input must be a vector or a matrix.

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