Call elements for a cell array

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Nikolas Spiliopoulos
Nikolas Spiliopoulos el 20 de En. de 2017
Editada: Nut el 20 de En. de 2017
Hi there,
I am a beginner so the question maybe will be silly for you:
I have an cell 3x1 , where each element is an array
how can I select the first element, do some calculations and then the second one? (and so on..)
its a for loop but i cant find the proper syntax. thanks
  4 comentarios
Nikolas Spiliopoulos
Nikolas Spiliopoulos el 20 de En. de 2017
i tried it, but I get an output like this = [1X24];[1X24];[1x24];
Stephen23 el 20 de En. de 2017
Editada: Stephen23 el 20 de En. de 2017
@Nikolas Spiliopoulos: That is a cell array containing all of your results.
What do you imagine should happen? What do you think MATLAB should do?
You stored the results in a cell array, and there they are, in a cell array. Exactly where you put them. My comments already showed you how to look at the values inside that cell array, if you want to do so.
Now that all of your results are stored in one cell array you could easily:
  • combine the separate numeric arrays into one numeric array.
  • loop over that output cell array and do further work: e.g. save the data, etc.
  • pass that cell array to other operations or functions.
  • etc
What happens next depends on your workflow. Which do you want to do?

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Respuesta aceptada

Stephen23 el 20 de En. de 2017
Editada: Stephen23 el 20 de En. de 2017
C = {0:3, 4:5, 6:9};
out = NaN(size(C));
for k = 1:numel(C)
out(k) = mean(C{k});
or if the outputs are non-scalar, then put in a cell array:
out = cell(size(C));
for k = 1:numel(C)
out{k} = mean(C{k});
  7 comentarios
Nikolas Spiliopoulos
Nikolas Spiliopoulos el 20 de En. de 2017
ok thanks a lot,
i"ll try again!
Stephen23 el 20 de En. de 2017
@Nikolas Spiliopoulos: remember to accept the answer that helps you most.

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Más respuestas (2)

Niels el 20 de En. de 2017
Editada: Niels el 20 de En. de 2017
with {n} you get access to the nth element
>> a={[1 2] , 'abcdefg', randn(4)}
a =
1×3 cell array
[1×2 double] 'abcdefg' [4×4 double]
>> a{1}
ans =
1 2
or in a loop:
for i=1:3
b=a{i}; % you dont need to declare a new variable
% you can also work with a{i}
>> a{3}(1:2,2:3)
ans =
0.3188 3.5784
-1.3077 2.7694
this documentation might help you as well:

Nut el 20 de En. de 2017
Editada: Nut el 20 de En. de 2017
I think the following example could be a basic help, is it useful for you?
% 3x1 cell building (example)
cellarray{1} = [1 2 3];
cellarray{2} = [4 5 6];
cellarray{3} = [7 8 9];
cellarray = cellarray';
% Get the second array
% Get the first element of the third array
% Get the first cell element
  2 comentarios
Nikolas Spiliopoulos
Nikolas Spiliopoulos el 20 de En. de 2017
yeah its ok, however how can I use the for loop with that in order to choose one element(array) a time? thanks
Nut el 20 de En. de 2017
Editada: Nut el 20 de En. de 2017
I'm thinking to something like:
for i = 1:numel(cellarray)
array = cellarray{i};
% Do your calculations using "array"

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