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The default margins for figure windows in MATLAB are...
Too small
Just right
Too large
2648 votos
8 Comentarios
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Use tiledLayout tight or compact for better aesthetic.
The default background color (gray) is not optimal for me, it prevents quick copy-paste to documents. I always do a set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1]) when I create a figure.
In my opionion default LineWidth for plots could also be set to 2, and default FontSize could also be increased (to 12 for example).
Current default values are just not friendly for copy-pasting in documents or slides.
Community, do you agree?
take it easy goldilocks !
Are you asking about the default margins for figure windows in release R2024b, those in the release R2025a prerelease, or just in general in whichever release the voter is using?
Just right on the generous side.