
How to add?
* Imagine you are in 2222 Anno Domini, when everyone must learn how to add, * and competing for the highly prestigious post of,...

más de 3 años hace


Pi Digit Probability
Assume that the next digit of pi constant is determined by the historical digit distribution. What is the probability of next di...

más de 3 años hace


Volume Pillar
Calculate the volume of a pillar with radius l and heigth ar.

más de 3 años hace


Convert radians to degrees
Given input in radians, output to degrees

más de 3 años hace


Perimeter of a semicircle
Given the diameter d, find the perimeter of a semicircle

más de 3 años hace


Given a square and a circle, please decide whether the square covers more area.
You know the side of a square and the diameter of a circle, please decide whether the square covers more area.

más de 3 años hace


radius of a spherical planet
You just measured its surface area, that is the input.

más de 3 años hace


Pi Estimate 1
Estimate Pi as described in the following link: <>

más de 3 años hace


Calculate area of sector
A=function(r,seta) r is radius of sector, seta is angle of sector, and A is its area. Area of sector A is defined as 0.5*(r^2...

más de 3 años hace


Given a circular pizza with radius _z_ and thickness _a_, return the pizza's volume. [ _z_ is first input argument.] Non-scor...

más de 3 años hace


Find the next prime number
Find the next prime number or numbers for given n. For example: n = 1; out = 2; or n = [5 7]; out = [7 11]; ...

más de 3 años hace


Make a vector of prime numbers
Input(n) - length of vector with prime numbers Output(v) - vector of prime numbers Example: * n=1; v=2 * n=3; v=[2 3 5...

más de 3 años hace


Largest Twin Primes
< Twin primes> are primes p1, p2 = p1 + 2 such that both p1 and p2 are prime numbers. Giv...

más de 3 años hace


Mersenne Primes
A Mersenne prime is a prime number of the form M = 2^p - 1, where p is another prime number. For example, 31 is a Mersenne prim...

más de 3 años hace


Find nearest prime number less than input number
Find nearest prime number less than input number. For example: if the input number is 125, then the nearest prime number whi...

más de 3 años hace


Sophie Germain prime
In number theory, a prime number p is a *Sophie Germain prime* if 2p + 1 is also prime. For example, 23 is a Sophie Germain prim...

más de 3 años hace


Circular Primes (based on Project Euler, problem 35)
The number, 197, is called a circular prime because all rotations of the digits: 197, 971, and 719, are themselves prime. The...

más de 3 años hace


Smith numbers
Return true if the input is a Smith number in base ten. Otherwise, return false. Read about Smith numbers at <http://en.wikipedi...

más de 3 años hace


Factorize THIS, buddy
List the prime factors for the input number, in decreasing order. List each factor only once, even if the factorization includes...

más de 3 años hace


Get all prime factors
List the prime factors for the input number, in decreasing order. List each factor. If the prime factor occurs twice, list it as...

más de 3 años hace


Generalised Hamming Number
Inspired by Project Euler n°204 and Problem 1308 by James A generalised Hamming number of type n, has no prime factor larger ...

más de 3 años hace


Numbers with prime factors 2, 3 and 5.
Make a function which takes one positive integer n and returns a matrix with the numbers of the form (2^i)*(3^j)*(5^k) which are...

más de 3 años hace


Proper Factors
Generate the proper factors of input integer _x_ and return them in ascending order. For more information on proper factors, ref...

más de 3 años hace


Multiples of a Number in a Given Range
Given an integer factor _f_ and a range defined by _xlow_ and _xhigh_ inclusive, return a vector of the multiples of _f_ that fa...

más de 3 años hace


letter yes yes & letter no no
Split a string into two strings, wherein the first string has all alphabetic letters and the second string has all the remaining...

más de 3 años hace


QWERTY Shift Code Decoder
Decode a string encoded using the QWERTY shift code. QWERTY shift code is where the message was touch typed but with an offse...

más de 3 años hace


QWERTY Shift Encoder
Encode a string using the QWERTY shift code. This code is where you touch type but are offset by one character to the right. ...

más de 3 años hace


Word Distance - Sum
Let's suppose that the distance of a word can be calculated by summing the differences between its letters, having assigned the ...

más de 3 años hace


Remove the air bubbles
Given a matrix a, return a matrix b in which all the zeros have "bubbled" to the top. That is, any zeros in a given column shoul...

más de 3 años hace


~~~~~~~ WAVE ~~~~~~~~~
|The WAVE generator| Once upon a time there was a river. 'Sum' was passing by the river. He saw the water of the river that w...

más de 3 años hace

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