Sound File/Split Wave and Analysis
I am assuming that you want to separate the vector “y” into 8 segments with 1560 samples each. This may be directly indexed from...

alrededor de 5 años hace | 1

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function checkImageAndNetworkChannelSizes
Here are a few pointers which may be of help: The function “ndims()” ignores all the trailing singleton dimensions of the inpu...

alrededor de 5 años hace | 0

data Augmentation for resizing images differently to reduce overfitting
“RandXTranslation” and “RandYTranslation” are name-value pairs used to indicate the horizontal and vertical translations to be a...

alrededor de 5 años hace | 0

How to generate a heat map using imported data with (x,y, z as color)
You may use the following syntax to create the heat map. h = heatmap(tbl,xvar,yvar,'ColorVariable',cvar)  where “tbl” is t...

alrededor de 5 años hace | 0

Harmonics of Fourier series
The following code may help you to plot the first, 3rd and fifth harmonics of the signal t = 0:0.1:4*pi; numTerms = 3; ...

alrededor de 5 años hace | 1

For loop only saving my last run
Here are a few pointers which may help with your situation: As per the code given above each iteration of the for loop causes ...

alrededor de 5 años hace | 0

how do you take the mean across columns but for singular row in a 960x31 array
The following documentation link may help you to get a better understanding about how to perform averaging operation in MATLAB ...

alrededor de 5 años hace | 0

Data Augmentation not working
As per the MATLAB documentation for “imageDataAugmenter”, the augmented images are not saved to memory. So, the size of “augimds...

alrededor de 5 años hace | 1

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Transfer function MIMO in simulink
Here are a few pointers which may be of help to you in implementing the transfer function in Simulink The following code may be...

alrededor de 5 años hace | 0

How to substitute symbolic Jacobian of a multivariate function, D(f)(x)?
Please go through the following MATLAB Answer which addresses a similar issue

más de 5 años hace | 0

Symbolic array summation in MATLAB
Each iteration of the for loop in the above code creates a new symbolic function "ss" which creates three different expressions....

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Need to plot 10 db return loss fractional bandwidth of a dipole antenna
I am assuming that the value of resonant frequency is 72 MHz instead of 72 Hz since the range of frequencies specified is from 2...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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classification using decision tree
I am assuming that there may be some problem with the file names as the file ‘ECGFiveDays_TRAIN.xlsx’ contains only 23 records a...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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Gabor filter for array
I am assuming that you are trying to give vectors as inputs to the “imgaborfilt()” function. This may not be possible as the fun...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Gaussian using fspecial('gaussian',h,s)
The “fspecial('gaussian',h,s)” returns a circularly symmetric gaussian function of size h*h. Since the value of h is updated in ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

isolating certain x values for barplot from an undefined variable
My understanding is that you want to extract values from the “x” for which the ‘trial’ variable is free. To this end, you may us...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Invalid training data: The output size of the last layer does not match the response size
This issue arises due to size mismatch between the ground truth and the network output and may be resolved by setting the “Paddi...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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How can I write this equation into MATLAB script
Symbolic Math Toolbox may be used to implement the above equation in MATLAB. Here are a few suggestions which may be helpful in ...

más de 5 años hace | 1

mfilt.firtdecim to dsp.FIRDecimator
Please make use of the following code snippet to set the above mentioned properties in dsp.FIRDecimator object. Hd = dsp.FIR...

más de 5 años hace | 0

trying to compute Riemann's prime counting function J(x)
Here are a few pointers which may help with resolving the issue: The second term in the Reimann’s function is computed by taki...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Using awgn and snr functions in matlab
Here are a few pointers which may be able to help you. Since SNR is the ratio of Signal Power to noise power it should be comp...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Not Enough Input Arguments when trying to pass two variables as undefined
Here are a few pointers which may help in solving this issue: Currently the numerical integration function in MATLAB accepts o...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Append rows to .mat file
I understand that you want to add the files present in the folder ‘file_1’ into a single “. mat” file. You may use the following...

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Deconvolution of fluorescence spectra
I am assuming that you want to create an algorithm which can automatically determine the optimal number of Gaussian components n...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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hi, I have a time series data,I want to find first standard deviation array and second standard deviation array,using a standard deviation window,but I am getting errors.
I am assuming that you want to calculate the moving standard deviation of a time series data. Here are a few suggestions about...

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Doubts about cross-validation
I am assuming that you want to have some clarification regarding the cross-validation syntax in KNN and SVM KNN Classifier m...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Simulate Transmission using dsp.DigitalUpConverter and dsp.DigitalDownConverter
Here are a few pointers which may be able to help you. The baseband signal obtained after decimation contains some spurious si...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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How to convert the text file (1x290400) to image as shown as below?
I am assuming that you want to create a montage for the given dataset. You may make use of the above code provided by Walter Rob...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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Cannot find solution Of 4th order ODE using dsolve: Warning: Unable to find explicit solution.
I am assuming here that you want to form an analytical solution to the given 4th order ODE. It may not be considered a good prac...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...

más de 5 años hace

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