Return to the start of a loop
function s=ngramsFreq(string,n) k=0; t = repmat(char(0),length(string)-n+1,n); for i=1:(length(string)-n)+1 ...

casi 12 años hace | 0

looping a matrix from a text file
Is it a large text file or a small one. If it's a small size text file(eg. <10MB). Use importdata() to import data from the text...

casi 12 años hace | 0

How to accumulate values into a variable using for loops?
Y(c+1) = (X(c+1)+X(c+2))/(constant) + Y(c); Also, actually, you don't need the parameter i.

casi 12 años hace | 0

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someting is wrong but ı didnt find it , I uploaded this question's image
The dimention of Matrix A is 1*135 and the dimention of inv(t) is 135*135. I don't think it's Ok for inv(t)*A. I'm not sure wha...

casi 12 años hace | 0

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how to write a matlab prog. for the exp. z(t)=y^3 where y=x when 0<=t<=1 ; y=3*x when 1<t<=2.
if (t>=0&&t<=1) y=x; elseif (t>1&&t<=2) y=3*x; else end

casi 12 años hace | 0

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To replace a character AT A PARTICULAR POSITION in a Text FIle.
Try fseek()

casi 12 años hace | 0

How to Group strings?
a(1,1:4)=[1 2 3 4]; a(2,1:4)=[0 5 3 5]; a(3,1:4)=[9 4 7 7]; a(4,1:4)=[9 7 3 1]; j=1; k=1; for i=1:4 ...

casi 12 años hace | 0

How to remove NaN values from the model????
yout is the output value make sure the denominators will never be zero Check if there are algebraic loops in the model. Ad...

casi 12 años hace | 2

loop for equation a*b-c*d*(p-1)=1
b=1; d=2; p=3; c=rand(10); for i=1:length(c) a(i)=1+c(i)*d*(p-1)/b; fprintf('a=%d c=%d\n',a(i),c(i)) en...

casi 12 años hace | 0

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Fitting two Parameters to an equation with data
General model: f(x) = 1 - 0.5584*exp(-a*x) - 0.4416*exp(-b*x) Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): ...

casi 12 años hace | 1

How can a GUI pop up menu be made to show the previous selected option?
allItems = get(handles.popupmenu1, 'string') set(handles.popupmenu1,'String',allItems);

casi 12 años hace | 0

numerical integration with nonarray function
Assuming x=[x0,x1,x2]; B=[det(x0*A) det(x1*A) det(x2*A)]; trapz(x,B)

casi 12 años hace | 0

I am having a problem getting values to iterate with a while loop.
u2(n+1) = uc(n); u3(n+1) = uv(n); u4(n+1) = ut(n); u5(n+1) = ui(n); h = u5(n+1); But it seems y...

casi 12 años hace | 0

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i have many trial of EEG data for every subject in txt file , what the best method to process this data ?
It depends on the size and the format of the text file. Try importdata first

casi 12 años hace | 0

Transport cell between functions
Try evalin assignin

casi 12 años hace | 0

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i want to initialize a matrix of 3x3 to value -1 how this colud be done?

casi 12 años hace | 0

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Insert data into the right index
clear; clc; x=10; y=20; z=30; A = [1 3 5 7 9; NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]; B = [1 5 9; x y ...

casi 12 años hace | 0

Strange Extra data points coming in Histogram
try bar(X,Y)

casi 12 años hace | 0

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Shifting operations and bitwise logical operations with binary numbers
a=200 b=bitshift(a,-3) c=dec2bin(b,8)

casi 12 años hace | 2

Bird Eye View Image

casi 12 años hace | 0

Differential Equations and Variables
I=xlsread('Path\filename.xlsx','I:I'); %add your own codes to solve the equation n=length(I); range=strcat('J1:J',num...

casi 12 años hace | 1

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Problem DTFT X(e^jw)
x(n)=2*((0.8)^n)*(u(n)-u(n-20)); I'm not sure whether it is what you want.

casi 12 años hace | 0

How do i take a image snapshot of a GUI to insert in word file
You want to snapshot the whole GUI panel or just axes on the GUI panel? If you just want to snapshot the whole GUI panel, mak...

casi 12 años hace | 0

HELP!!!setting up function keep getting error not enough input arguements
game is an input argument of the function but game is defined in the for loop again. I don't think it's good.

casi 12 años hace | 0

how to plot a fig that the curve is in SouthEast
Give appropriate xlim and ylim to make sure the curve is in the sourtheast. But, actually, I am not sure what you want.

casi 12 años hace | 0

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How to deal with algebric loops and how to get rid of Nan????
try to add the block 'memory' and give an initial value to each closed loop

casi 12 años hace | 0

How do I create a function that takes a character array (s) as an input and returns a new character array with each letter shifted forward once in the alphabet?
function s=shiftletters(input_string) for i=1:1:length(input_string) if((double(input_string(i))>=65&&double(input_s...

casi 12 años hace | 0

How can i display the number of letters in a user supplied string?

casi 12 años hace | 0

How to mirror a plot in x and y axis.
*mirror both in x axis and y axis hold on plot(-coordinates(:,1), -coordinates(:,2)); mirror only in x axis ...

casi 12 años hace | 1

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