imshow - plotting a circular image, how to make corners white?
Could you share your matrix. Or try following command. colormap gray; This will make show boundary either black or white...

casi 13 años hace | 0

quick itteration
Though your code requires cleaning but this code will generate exact output you are required. In your code there are many variab...

casi 13 años hace | 1

quick itteration
I guess this can be done in one line without using for loop, and second line for plot. Could you tell us about L, N and other va...

casi 13 años hace | 0

compressing a image
What you explained about ratio, you better use < Run length Encoding (RLE)>. You...

casi 13 años hace | 2

Highlight a point on graph.
Lets say you have a curve, and you know one point which you want to highlight. Then simply plot that point with different marker...

casi 13 años hace | 7

How to make mex file of C program in matlab
if it is mex file, its mean C code for matlab. then simply compile it by this command in matlab editor. mex unravel.c; ...

casi 13 años hace | 2

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Testing/training set
it totally depends on type of dataset. One of the famous technique is <

casi 13 años hace | 1

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finding the best match between set of images using SIFT algorithm
As I understood, you want to do image to image matching. Let say your template image is T, and you set of images D. Each image...

casi 13 años hace | 3

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cell array
try like this. entryname=[entryname1 entryname2]; use [] instead of {}. I hope it will work.

casi 13 años hace | 3

How can i capture image from webcame and save it in a folder ( for recognization)
May be this tutorial is helpful to you. <

casi 13 años hace | 1

Searching files
yes it is possible to search files. you can write code as you like. For example I want to search file 'test.txt' in current ...

casi 13 años hace | 1

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How to add gaussian noise to the 1D signal
Other then obove given solution, this might work.. Let say your 1D signal is *H*, then GH = H.*fspecial('gaussian', size...

casi 13 años hace | 1

K means clustering in ECG Signal
< Vlfeat> is one the best opensource library for many computer vision and machine learning algorithms. It ...

casi 13 años hace | 2

help about (=) operator
You might not be using US keyboard layout. About keyboard layouts < click here>. Tr...

casi 13 años hace | 2

Help with For/If commands
Use switches .. I hope it will solve your problem. ex. switch choice case {1,4,6,7,8,10,11} % your code here...

casi 13 años hace | 2

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image conversion
yes, you can convert color image to gray scale image, and gray scale image is 2-D image.

casi 13 años hace | 2

random number generation within the defined range
As Daniel suggested that we might not get exactly what you want. But there can be several tricks. Once possible trick is that yo...

casi 13 años hace | 2

How to put a good threshold in comparing images
It totally depends on type of images and applications. But you can keep various values of Threshold and on each value you calcul...

casi 13 años hace | 2

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multiply col vector with matrix
You can do it like this. bsxfun(@times,M,N) If N is column vector then each colmn in M is multiplied by N, else if N is ...

casi 13 años hace | 1

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crop image automatically
let say your image is I, and if you know your know the areas for your image to crop and those remain for all images then followi...

casi 13 años hace | 2


Let say I have Matrix *M* with *i* rows and *j* columns. And one constant number *a* is given. Final output Matrix should be *N*...

casi 13 años hace | 2 respuestas | 0




rotate image
Dear all, Let say I have patch *P* and I want to rotate it in the direction of angle *T* (in degrees). Rotation should be si...

casi 13 años hace | 2 respuestas | 0



pixel value in given direction
let say you want to get point (x2,y2) then x2 = x1 + d * cos(T); y2 = y1 + d * sin(T); I hope this is what you wanted...

casi 13 años hace | 2

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Publishing a Pdf
Hi, may be this discussion help you. <>

alrededor de 13 años hace | 2

reordering the data
Second possible way is D = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]; declare any temp variable to have the order of indices. For example. T ...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 2

magnitude and direction
I think you want to compute the SIFT right ? Anyway to divide the image into blocks, you can use following tip <http://mat...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 3

Euclidian Norm and Brightness between 2 images
then I guess for L you can do following. R1 = R1(:); R2 = R2(:); G1 = G1(:); G2 = G2(:); B1 = B1(:); B2 = B2(:); ...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 2

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magnitude and direction
what do you mean by direction of images. I hope you are talking about gradient value and direction (orientation) ?

alrededor de 13 años hace | 3

calculating the mean
Hi, could you please reformat the code. As it is difficult to see code. whenever you have line other then code then make that...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 1

edit-error in calculating dsit
Well I guess you want to get single scalar value as distance of A2 for each Chanel in A1. If so then I try to do in steps. There...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 2

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