
An asteroid and a spacecraft
&#128640 Imagine a non-relativistic simple situation. Assume positions p0, p1, p2, and p3 are three dimensional Cartesian ...

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Sums of Distinct Powers
You will be given three numbers: base, nstart, and nend. Write a MATLAB script that will compute the sum of a sequence of both ...

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5th Time's a Charm
Write a function that will return the input value. However, your function must fail the first four times, only functioning prope...

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Inscribed Pentagon? 2
Your function will be provided with the five vertices of a pentagon (p) as well as the center point (cp) and radius (r) of a cir...

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Cache me Outside
The test suite includes a simple recursive Fibonacci sequence generator, but it's terribly inefficient. One simple method for im...

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Pernicious Anniversary Problem
Since Cody is 5 years old, it's pernicious. A < Pernicious number> is an integer w...

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Twins in a Window
< Twin primes> are prime numbers that differ by 2, such as [11,13] or [41,43]. Write a f...

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Extra safe primes
Did you know that the number 5 is the first safe prime? A safe prime is a prime number that can be expressed as 2p+1, where p is...

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Find the nearest prime number
Happy 5th birthday, Cody! Since 5 is a prime number, let's have some fun looking for other prime numbers. Given a positive in...

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Easy Sequences 113: Almost Golden Integer Rectangles 2
A golden rectangle is a rectangle whose side lengths are in the golden ratio, , where: . ...

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Easy Sequences 64: Base-14 Arithmetic Function
For an integer , the base-14 arithmetic function, , is defined as follows: Convert to base-14, using the letters '' for digits...

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Easy Sequences 68: Factorial Rectangles
I'll celebrate my comeback to Cody with this one easy problem... ---------------- The rectangle below is special: ...

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Easy Sequences 69: Radix Economy of Factorials
The Radix Economy of a number in a particular base is the number of digits needed to express it in that base, multiplied by the ...

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Easy Sequences 117: Fractional Part of Cube Roots
The fractional part function of a positive real number , denoted as , is defined as: , where , is the floor of . Thus, , and . ...

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Easy Sequences 65: Fractional Part of Square Roots
The fractional part function of a positive real number , denoted as , is defined as: , where , is the 'floor' of . Thus, , and ...

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Easy Sequences 66: Fractional Part of Sum of Consecutive Powers over a Prime
Given three postive integers, , and , create the function , defined as follows: Where is the th prime and the s...

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Easy Sequences 63: Base-63 Arithmetic Functions
In this exercise we are required to implement 7 basic 'unsigned integer' arithmetic functions in base-63: to63(x) - convert...

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Easy Sequences 62: Sum of Omega-3 Function
For an integer , the prime big omega function, , is defined as the total number of prime factors of . If , since , therefore . ...

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Easy Sequence 61: Wide Pythagorean Triangles
An integer-sided right triangle with sides , is called a "wide Pythagorean triangle", if , and . Write a program that counts a...

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Easy Sequences 58: Curious Prime-Rational Functions
For some prime numbers and where , a rational function , is defined as follows: . Using the output , another rational functi...

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Easy Sequences 57: "Pretty-gorean" Triangles?
A positive integer is called a regular number, if and only if there exist a non-negative integer , such that . For some reason...

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Easy Sequences 51: Positive Gaussian Primes
A Gaussian Prime is a gaussian integer that cannot be decomposed as product of two non-unit gaussian integers (the complex units...

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Easy Sequences 50: Blocked Gaussian Integers
A Gaussian Integer is a complex number whose real and imaginary parts are both integers. A gaussian integer is said to be bloc...

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Easy Sequences 54: Product of Products of Proper Divisors
A divisor of a number that is less than the number is called a "proper divisor". For a given positive integer , we are asked t...

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Easy Sequences 60: Almost Cube Root
The almost cube root of an integer , is the largest possible integer , such that and . For example , then , since and since th...

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Easy Sequences 59: Almost Twin Primes
A positive integer pair , is called an "almost twin prime pair", if one of the pair is a prime and the other is either a prime o...

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Easy Sequences 55: "Ugly" Rectangles?
A positive integer is called a regular number, if and only if there exist a non-negative integer , such that . For some reason...

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Easy Sequences 56: Counting "Ugly" Numbers
A positive integer is called a regular number, if and only if there exist a non-negative integer , such that . For some reason...

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Easy Sequences 53: Greatest Proper Divisor
The greatest proper divisor () of an integer is the largest integer , such that and . Furthermore, we define: . Below is the...

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Easy Sequences 52: Non-squarable Rectangles
Any integer-sided rectangle can be cut into unit rectangles () and rearranged into sets of smaller rectangles. For example the ...

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