How to plot only few classes for confusion matrix?
Oviously, you have to subsample the original matrices. Greg

más de 5 años hace | 0

Open loop Training performance and closed loop training performance are good but multi-step prediction is bad. Reason?
You are not considering information from the autocorrelation fuction. Hope this helps Greg

más de 5 años hace | 0

Formula for two layer FFNN
y1 = b1 + IW1 * x y2 = b2 + LW2 * tanh( y1 ) y3 = b3 + LW3 * tanh( y2 ) = b3 + LW3 * tanh( b2 + LW2 * tanh( b1 + IW1 * x ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Input and target have different number of sampel
Train and TTrain have to be transposed. Hope this helps. THANK YOU FOR FORMALLY ACCEPTING MY ANSWER Greg

más de 5 años hace | 0

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How to calculate accuracy for neural network algorithms?
I normalize the mean-square-error MSE = mse(error) = mse(output-target) by the minimum MSE obtained when th...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Neural Network input and targets have different of samples
Transpose both matrices. Thank you for formally accepting my answer Greg

más de 5 años hace | 0

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How these plots (Performance, Training state, Regression) shows the training performance? How to figure out the training rate from these plots?
Training data plots are useful. However, there is no indication of how good the net will perform on nontraining data (THE TRUE ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Validation check = 0 for traingdm
What you are worrying about is irrelevant. Your data is so good you don't even need a validation subset.The main purpose of a va...

más de 5 años hace | 1

Expressing equation in terms of sin/cos
If you substitute your solutions into LHS and get the RHS, then it is possible. Greg

más de 5 años hace | 0

How to decide window size for a moving average filter?
I'm very surprised that none of the previous responses mentioned 1. Determine characteristic self correlation lengths usi...

más de 5 años hace | 0

finding optimal neural network architecture using genetic algorithms
0. The genetic approach is a waste of time. It takes too long. 1.Typically, a single hidden layer is sufficient. 2. Minimize t...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Neuron Network input variables-Missing data
Sorry: You have to predict the missing data as best you can. Greg

más de 5 años hace | 0

Why my network is not giving the desired output
Design(training+validation), test and new data should all have the same summary statistics BEFORE NORMALIZATION. This may requir...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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How to predict future responses y(t + 1) from the training of a narxnet network with past data of x (t) and y (t)? (NARXNET)
YOU DO NOT HAVE X and Y !!! YOU HAVE X and T where T = Ydesired Hope this helps Thank you for formally accepting m...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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Testing a Backpropagation Neural Network
You are probably OVERTRAINING AN OVERFIT NET OVERFITTING: Using more unknown hidden nodes than number ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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The performance of hidden neurons
I think I misinterpreted the question. Now I think you mean when I increase the number of hidden nodes from 4 to 5 why do I star...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Crossentropy loss function - What is a good performance goal?
These equations are not necessarily precise. For example: data = design + test design = training + validation In partic...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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How can two neural networks be compared for regression based on training and testing results ?
The MATLAB default is training/validation/testing fractions of 0.7/0.15/0.15 Typically, the performance depends on a 1. A...

más de 5 años hace | 0

what types of Network and training are suitable for returning a more precise value?
Plot your targets vs your inputs to see if some of the inputs are not worth using. and/or you can try rejecting inputs based ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Issue while mapping weights to a New Feedforward Neural network created using newff
You need to add another component equal to unity to account for a bias weight. Thank you for formally accepting m answer. ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

how to adjust derivatives of backpropagation according to custom error function
Your error function is not at a minimum when output = target Why did you not use the standard E = (output - target)^2 ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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How to compute gradients using the Neural Network Toolbox software?
help gradient doc gradient Thank you for formally accepting my answer Greg

más de 5 años hace | 0

An error occurred while trying to determine whether "readData" is a function name.
>> help readData readData not found >> doc readData SUCCESS !!! Hope this helps THANK YOU FOR FORMALLY ACCEPTING MY A...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Create neural Network with multiple outputs
See my comment. Greg

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Overfitting of Regression Plot for a Feedforward Neural Network
OVERFITTING IS NOT "THE" PROBLEM !!! In general, the problem is OVERTRAINING an overfit net. My solution is simple: DO NOT OV...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Neural Network Last Layer Shows a Different Number of Outputs
Line 2: target, not output trainFcn is undefined. I get 15, not 13 in the figure Hope this helps. Thank you for formal...

más de 5 años hace | 0

When I should stop training a neural network?
The danger is OVERTRAINING an OVERFIT NET. There are several approaches. 1. PREVENT OVERFITTING the I-H-O net by ...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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Artificial Neural Network questions
The typical NN has a set of input nodes ( which for some reason is not defined to be a layer !!! ), a middle layer and an outpu...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Do Multiple Output Neural Networks share the same weights and biases?
The similarity or orthogonality of the outputs tends to be irrelevant. If two set of outputs are not caused by a significant ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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What is the difference between pca and processpca commands?
help pca doc pca help processpca doc processpca Hope this helps Thank you for formally accepting my answer Greg

más de 5 años hace | 0

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