Alternate code for magnitude or derivative?
Hi Spencer, From the information shared, I understand that you are trying to calculate unit tangent, unit normal, and binormal ...

11 meses hace | 0

Using antenna magnitude data to plot max gain vs frequency
Hi Samantha, From the information shared, I could infer that you want to plot maximum gain versus frequency from the antenna ma...

11 meses hace | 0

PSD of DWT details coefficnet
Hello, I understand that you are trying to use "Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)" to analyze the high-frequency content of your...

11 meses hace | 0

1 D FDTD for a plane harmonic wave entering a glass sheet with 2.25 relative permittivity
Hi Mariam, From the information shared, I could infer that you are trying to introduce the glass sheet into your FDTD simulatio...

11 meses hace | 0

How can I perform combinatorics in MATLAB?
Hi Joel, From the information shared, I inferred that you wanted to use combinatorics to find the total household increase of t...

11 meses hace | 0

Denoising function for a sliding DCT filter
Hello, From the information shared, I could infer that you are trying to implement thresholding in your function to modify the ...

11 meses hace | 0

using fitgmdist to separate data in clusters
Hi Pieter, From the information shared, I could infer that you are trying to fit a trimodal distribution on your data and getti...

11 meses hace | 0

Why do scatter plot in BFSK doesn't change while changing SNR?
Hello, From the information shared, I could infer that you have queries related to the modulation schemes of "Binary Frequency ...

11 meses hace | 0

How to trim, the extra audio portion after audio processing in two channel ?
Hi Mainak, From the information shared, I could infer that you're trying to align the lengths of the audio frames from two chan...

11 meses hace | 0

How Can I Customize Simulated Annealing Algorithm?
Hi Burhan, From the information shared, I could infer that you are solving an optimization problem with discrete design variabl...

11 meses hace | 1

| aceptada

Minimax approximation problem-How to get P1(x) and maximum error?
Hi Lee, From the information shared, I inferred that you want to find the linear near-minimax approximation, P_1(x), of the fun...

11 meses hace | 0

Propagation of Wave - Change Direction
Hi Zachary, From the information shared, I inferred that there is a 3D array modeling a pressure source that propagates in the ...

11 meses hace | 0

Kg1 = transpose(T1)*K1*T1 Kg2 = transpose(T2)*K2*T2 Kg3 = transpose(T3)*K3*T3 를 for문으로 깔끔하게 만들수 없을까요??
Hello, From the information shared, I inferred that you would like to clean your code using MATLAB's "for" loop. Assuming there...

11 meses hace | 1

How to calculate SNR in hydrophone measures and reduce noise to improve signal detection
Hi Charlotte, From the information shared, I inferred that you want to calculate "SNR" and clean up your signal. MATLAB provide...

11 meses hace | 0

Which part of the Bookkeeping vector do I select in order to reconstruct the signal using 3rd, 4th and 5th level coefficients with waverec?
Hi Eashan, From the information shared, I inferred that you are trying to reconstruct the signal using the 3rd, 4th, and 5th le...

11 meses hace | 0

Strange interp3 behavior
Hi Cyrano, From the information shared, I have inferred that the issue you're encountering with "interp3" MATLAB function and t...

11 meses hace | 0

use RF toolbox to plot S21 vs frequency for different dB signals
Hi Em, From the information shared, I could infer that you want to plot "S21 parameter" values in dB versus frequency in MATLAB...

12 meses hace | 0

Microstepping not constant on the simulink simulation ee_stepper_motor
Hello Martin, I understand that you are trying to simulate a stepper motor in Simulink using the `ee_stepper_motor` block. Ther...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

How can I feed a variable-size signal generated by CFAR block to a multiport switch in Simulink?
Hi, From the information shared by you, I could infer that you’re encountering an issue with variable-size signals in your Simu...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

SParameterChannel output transfer and rational functional data issue
Hi Alex, From the information shared by you, I could infer that you are performing "timing simulation" using "SParameterChannel...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

Designed filter shows half the cut-off frequency that it should
Hi Keyvan, From the information shared by you, I could infer that you are trying to implement the designed filter using the "fd...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

How do I transmit a continuous signal via the SDRuTransmitter Function
Hi John, I understand that you are trying to use the “comm.SDRuTransmitter” system object of MATLAB to transmit a continuous s...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

how to get MTF of camera using star target
Hi Josh, I understand that you are trying to calculate the "Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)" using a "Siemens star" target....

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

Simulate Response of a Gimballed Pendulum with real life data
Hi Jun, I understand that you want to modify your code so that it can use real-life data for velocity and acceleration. This c...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

使用USRP B210接收数据中前一半数据正常,但后面数据全为0
Hi Dan, This question has been answered using English as a medium. I understand that you are experiencing an issue where th...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

Creating range velocity/doppler plots with DB scan
Hi Robert, I understand that you want to create a range doppler plot using the "Coherent processing intervals (CPIs)". To crea...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

How to analize fracfactgen and fracfact results?
Hi Myriam, I understand that you want to interpret the results of the fractional factorial design experiment. In a fractional ...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

FM Demodulate IQ Wav Signal
Hi Mitja, I understand that you are trying to play an IQ wave file that contains a simple FM modulated signal. The issue is re...

más de 1 año hace | 0

Matched Filter for Linear FM Waveform is not correct
Hi Alex, I understand that you are encountering issues with the creation of the azimuth matched filter for a linear FM wavefor...

más de 1 año hace | 0

Need help to find true Signal to noise ratio (SNR) for acceleration signal
Hi Hanna, I understand that you want to find the true Signal-to-noise ratio of the acceleration signal using the sum of harmon...

más de 1 año hace | 0

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